Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds

It's not every family that hollywood makes an oscar nominated movie about, nor one that so successfully cements the Rothschilds reputation as the most famous family in the world. They are enormously wealthy and enormously private which in turn fuels the endless speculation regarding the real extent of their power.In two centuries the family has funded war and peace, financed an entire continen

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The Invisible Universe

In this episode of The Sky at Night we learn of something which is quite unsettling and that is the fact that most of the universe is missing.In our world of material objects it is easy for us to comprehend what normal matter is, it is what makes up everything around us from the computer / mobile phone you are using to view this to the planets, stars and interstellar dust. Given this h

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The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire

The British Empire was at one point the largest empire the world has ever known, for over 300 years Britain ruled, its armies conquered and its bankers proclaimed the might of its currency but one day it all began to fall apart.One by one countries declared their independence from Britain and no amount of force could reverse the tide. As British elites saw their wealth, privileges and empire d

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Genghis Khan

In the year 1162 deep in the heart of Asia a child was born, he was clutching a blood clot, a so called sign from heaven that he was destined to be a great warrior. His life was to become a legend, his name was Genghis Khan. Many believe his story is a simple one, that being he was the incarnation of evil, a brutal barbarian that butchered millions of people. The real character of Genghis however

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Machines Of Ancient China

While Europe endured the so called Dark Ages, Ancient China reigned supreme as the worlds technological superpower, it is only now that we are discovering that many of the inventions that shape our modern world have there roots in this remarkable oriental civilisation.Some examples of these advancements are complex geared machines, that allowed production on an industrial scale, precision seismo

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Inside The Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan is Americas most notorious white supremacist group and 2015 marked their 150th year anniversary, it was also a year which saw escalating racial violence in the United States, in this turbulent climate the KKK claim their membership numbers are on the rise and they are trying to appeal to the younger generation.At its peak the KKK had an estimated 5 million members, thousands o

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Solitary: Inside Red Onion State Prison

Red Onion State Prison is what is known as a "Supermax" prison, located on a secluded Appalachian mountaintop in Wise County, Virginia in the United States. It's sole purpose is to separately house inmates in their own 8’x10’ solitary-confinement cells, 23 hours a day for as long as deemed fit, some stretches however can span decades having all sorts of adverse effects on the mind o

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Attenborough and the Empire of the Ants

David Attenborough takes us to the Jura Mountains, located on the French, Swiss border. At the time of filming the mountains were in the grip of winter, the ground has been frozen solid for months. Here Attenborough is searching for the secrets which lie behind a hidden giant.Evidence of it's existance can be seen in the form of strange mounds which are popping out of the ground, it is a si

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No Stone Unturned

No Stone Unturned is a feature length film which over the course of an hour and 50 minutes deeply examines the unsolved 1994 Loughinisland massacre which occurred in Loughinisland, Co. Down, Northern Ireland during the troubles.It was a vicious shooting which claimed the lives of six innocent Irishmen as they watched the World Cup, presumably the shooting was carried out by a Unionist paramili

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