Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Run From The Cure

After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge, curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story w

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Street Medicine

This is just a trailer as the original source was removed, but you can watch it here at TVLinkAmerica is the only country in the industrialized world which does not provide universal health care. Initiatives providing free medical care and social services to the homeless and uninsured population in the United States are very few but are making a remarkable difference in their communities. In L

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Don’t Swallow Your Toothpaste

We all want the best for our children, including sparking white teeth. Children today have fewer fillings than ever before, but what is the truth behind this great success story? Better care of our teeth or the magic ingredient in our toothpaste fluoride? Some parts of Britain like Birmingham already add fluoride to the water and there are now plans to extend this to other cities: Liverpool, Manch

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Modern Meat

What could be simpler than a hamburger? Take a ground beef patty, throw it on a grill, wait a few minutes as the fat sizzles, maybe add some cheese, and stick it on a bun. It's a thoroughly American operation that takes place countless times a day all around the country. The average American, in fact, eats three hamburgers a week. And with more meat available than ever before, today's beef costs 3

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Prescription for Disaster

Vioxx is a terrible tragedy and a profound regulatory failure. I would argue that the FDA as currently configured is incapable of protecting America against another Vioxx. We are virtually defensiveless. It is important that this committee and the important people understand that what happened with Vioxx is really a symptom of something far more dangerous to the safety of the American people. Simp

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Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

This documentary is a close examination into what some consider to be a "hoax": aspartame toxicity. This documentary attempts to look at what is definitively known about aspartame and discovers that the label "hoax" in this case is a dangerous misconception. This controversial documentary is sure to open eyes to the possible dangers of what lurks in our food.This is a must see movie especially i

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Ticks: The Real Vampires

Ticks: The Real Vampires has been filmed on two continents - Europe and North America. It is comprised of two action curves. One is a portrait of the life cycle of the tick throughout its three stages of development - as larvae, as nymphs and as adults. All action will take place in natural surroundings. Using special lenses the tick will be shown full-screen from its hatching stage, on the hunt f

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Greensburg, Kansas was hit by an EF5 tornado, the most powerful and devastating storm in American history (destorying 95% of the city).At 9:45 p.m. CDT on May 4, 2007, Greensburg was hit by an EF5 tornado. The tornado was estimated to be 1.7 miles (2.7 km) in width and traveled for nearly 22 miles (35 km). Ninety-five percent of the city was confirmed to be destroyed, with the other five perce

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The Truth About Vitamins

Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health. And it remains possible that high dose vitamin supplements will one day be proven to protect against illnesses like heart disease and cancer. But so far, definitive evidence for these claims remains largely elusive. And as we discover more about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that in large doses they can have unexpected, and sometimes danger

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