Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Age of AIDS

This documentary gives one of the most comprehensive accounts of how the world has responded in the battle against the most devastating disease since the Black Plague wiped out one third of Europe's population in the Middle Ages - the AIDS virus.

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SANTAS WORKSHOP: Inside Chinas Slave labor toy factories

The health conditions of toy manufacturing companies in China is appalling, and this is not limited to the toy sector but throughout all manufacturing plants. Toys that we buy are not cheap, but it sure is cheap to manufacture them in China. That leaves a huge gap, expensive toys that are cheaply produced, so guess who's profiting?What's worse about this issue is that the companies that orders

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Burma: No Childhood at All

Burma is a country that faces constant Civil War and political distress. But something is more astounding, children in Burma are exploited to fight in the Civil war. There is an estimated 70,000 children fighting for the war. Many of these children do not grow up knowing anything except to fight for War.There are no specialized equipments nor clothing for these children. What they wear and use

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Encounters at the End of the World

Werner Herzog is a master filmmaker. Stretching back decades, genres, languages, styles and scope, he continues to be a pioneering creative force. Encounters at the End of the World is the newest reminder of his skill, and joins the growing list of ecologically/environmentally centered documentaries gracing us, the most famous being Davis Guggenheim/Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.Herzog's Enc

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The Bermuda Triangle

First part of the video talks about Flight 19, the American aircraft that went missing after flying over the Bermuda triangle. This was just slightly after the end of World War II. Few other cases were also discussed.Using the lastest technology, these researchers will go down into the bermuda triangle to film and investigate.

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Ice Hotel

The Ice Hotel of Sweden is the biggest hotel in the world that is built entirely by ice and snow. This hotel is the brainchild of two close friends who are specialized in Ice architecture, Arne Bergh and Ake Larsoon.Situated near the North Pole, the hotel covers and area of 6000 sq meters and requires 300 tons of ice to build. When completed, the hotel features a bar, church, main hall, receptio

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Skinheads USA: Soldiers of the Race War

"This documentary takes you inside to an actual neo-Nazi Skinhead organization for a extended look at the methods and mentality that fuel the White Power youth movement in America. Focusing on the Alabama-based Aryan National Front and its leader, Bill Riccio, this special features behind-the-scenes footage of group members in their rural commune, at a series of White Power rallies, at a cross-bur

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Invisible Ballots: A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud

Director's note: "This download/stream contains TWO similar versions of 'Invisible Ballots'. The first is 80 mins, and the second is 58 mins. The longer version is for theaters, the shorter for schools and community organizing. The basic content is the same in either one." -William Gazecki"Governments are installing computerized voting systems with no paper record to verify accuracy. Elections

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