Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Guys and Dolls

10 years ago, a small company in California started making real life like dolls for sale. These dolls are more than a sex doll for some of the man who bought them, they develop feelings for these dolls and treated them like they're alive.The doll's features can be customised and they cost up to 6000USD each. Business has been booming and there are over 3000 dolls shipped worldwide, they get ab

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INJECTION: The Truth about HIV in Africa

Africa has one of the highest prevalence of HIV infected people. More than 20% of the nation's adult are infected with HIV, this makes up an astonishing 22 million people. The condition is so bad that the African authorities have even set up states that are isolated for HIV infected people to reside in.And so you thought HIV in Africa is predominantly caused by unprotected sex. Well, that's wh

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Secrets of the Dead: Umbrella Assassin

Georgi Ivanov Markov was born on March 1, 1929 in Sofia, Bulgaria, which came under the control of the Bulgarian Communist Party in 1944. Although his father was a "class enemy" of the party, Markov published his first novel at the age of 32 to stellar reviews, and he eventually became an acclaimed novelist and playwright. His life among the privileged elite in Bulgarian society -- including among

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The Secrets of The Austrian Cellar

The story of Elisabeth Fritzl, who was locked in a cellar and repeatedly raped by her father over 24 years, has stunned the world. Her father, Josef, stands accused of imprisoning Elisabeth and using her as a sex slave in an underground bunker beneath his house in the provincial Austrian town of Amstetten.Over nearly a quarter of a century Elisabeth bore him seven children. Three of whom were

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The Phoenix Strangler

Sipho Agmatir Thwala was South Africa's Phoenix Strangler. Although he only operated for the relatively short period of a year from 1996 to 1997 he was to make it a terrifying year for KwaZulu-Natal province and rapidly became the most wanted man in the region.His MO was straightforward – he would lure women to sugar cane fields with the promise of work before raping and strangling them with the

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Equinox: Psychopath

According to popular wisdom, psychopaths are ...crazed and bloodthirsty serial killers. The reality is not ...all so simple. While many psychopaths do commit violent crimes, not all psychopaths are criminals and not all criminals are psychopathic. Psychopaths are found in many walks of life and are often successful in competitive professions. However they are also ruthless, manipulative and destru

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How Does Your Memory Work?

You might think that your memory is there to help you remember facts, such as birthdays or shopping lists. If so, you would be very wrong. The ability to travel back in time in your mind is, perhaps, your most remarkable ability, and develops over your lifespan.In this documentary, Horizon takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into the human memory. From the woman who is having her most trau

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God on the Brain

Rudi Affolter and Gwen Tighe have both experienced strong religious visions. He is an atheist; she a Christian. He thought he had died; she thought she had given birth to Jesus. Both have temporal lobe epilepsy.Like other forms of epilepsy, the condition causes fitting but it is also associated with religious hallucinations. Research into why people like Rudi and Gwen saw what they did has opene

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Why Am I Me?

Professor Susan Greenfield tackles the big idea of human consciousness and asks the important question - why am I me? In this documentary, Greenfield takes a look at how the human brain generates consciousness and just what consciousness is.Putting a scientific finger on what human consciousness is not at all an easy task as Greenfield points out in her own words..."I think the problem has

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