Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Obama and the Global Elite

This documentary exposes the truth behind Obama and the story of the people who control him and every other president we have had in the past 100 years. You will see that Obama, like Bush before him is a walking contradiction that is used to push the Council on Foreign Relations agenda that is nothing less than a global goverment. Do your own research, factcheck this documentary, and please downlo

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The War on Democracy

Award winning journalist John Pilger examines the role of Washington in America’s manipulation of Latin American politics during the last 50 years leading up to the struggle by ordinary people to free themselves from poverty and racism. Since the mid 19th Century Latin America has been the ‘backyard’ of the US, a collection of mostly vassal states whose compliant and often brutal regimes have rein

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Patent for a Pig

The American biotechnology firm, Monsanto, has applied for a patent for pig breeding in 160 countries. The patent is for specific parts of the genetic material of pigs which Monsanto's genetic researchers have decoded. If this patent is granted, pig breeding would be possible with the approval of the company.Farmers and breeders are naturally alarmed because these genes have long existed in th

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Hunter S. Thompson – Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision

A fascinating, 30 year old BBC documentary on the Good Doctor and Ralph Steadman, five years after Nixon’s resignation, and on a road trip to Hollywood (to work on what would become “Where the Buffalo Roam“).Includes an interesting scene of John Dean chatting with Hunter about his Watergate testimony (at about 32 minutes), the birth of the “Re-Elect Nixon Campaign” (with a Bill Murray cameo),

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Louis Theroux on Michael Jackson

Louis Theroux travels to America for the chance to meet Michael Jackson, but getting hold of the man turns out to be a lot more difficult than he had anticipated. And then he discovered, Michael Jackson is ashley saunders in disguise.

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