Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Fireball of Christ

Scientists are bitterly divided over new evidence for an event which occurred back in Roman times, in 312 A.D. something happened which potentially may have changed the history of the world. While the Roman emperor Constantine prepared for a battle he saw a light in the sky which he interpreted as a sign from god, may believed it persuaded him and in turn the whole Roman Empire to convert to chris

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Diana: In Her Own Words

Diana: In Her Own Words is a film produced by Channel 4 which was released to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess of Wales, Diana. Using an incredible amount of archived footage and being narrated by recordings of Diana herself, the recordings themselves were taken from conversations she had with a voice coach in 1992 and 1993.This film gives great insight into her world

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The Mariana Trench: Earth’s Deepest Place

Earth a 4.5 billion year old planet which is still very much evolving and as continents shift and clash due to tectonic plate movement volcanos erupt and glaciers grow and recede, the Earths crust is carved in numerous and fascinating ways, leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind.In this film we explore the Mariana Trench, it is the deepest place on Earth, its sheer walls cut 7 miles

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America Before Columbus

Summer 1492, after three months at sea The Santa María, The Pinta and The Niña anchor off the Bahamas, and with this Europe has found the Americas, next comes conquest and colonisation by settlers who remake America in their image.They advance and they destroy, but there is another story about the animals and the plants they bring here and the natural treasures they find here and how the Am

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Prison: From the Inside

A two-part BBC documentary series which delves into the stories which lie behind the crimes of several men and women serving time in Northern Ireland's prisons. Through a number of intimate interviews with the inmates themselves and those working in the prisons we come to better understand the environment as a whole and reasons people have found themselves in such a place.Phil Wragg, the Directo

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The Fight for Mosul

Back In October 2016, an elite team of Iraqi Special Forces were sent directly to the frontline against ISIS with only one objective, to reclaim Mosul and eradicate the remaining ISIS fighters. It marked the beginning of what would quickly become a brutal battle of attrition that would last nearly nine months.Filmed over the course of their deployment, this documentary follows the experiences of

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Witches: A Century of Murder

This is the story of the British Isles, four hundred years ago, where mass trials and executions erupted across the country and the reasoning behind this chaos and violence boiled down to witches. Back then the people were convinced that they sank ships, brought famine and disease, murdered and maimed because it was believed that these witches worked for Satan.It sounds like something straight o

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America in Color: The 1920s

This is the story of America, seen in color for the first time and it's the roaring 20's, the country is flourishing and the economy isn't the only thing roaring. Henry Ford ignites the auto industry, radio unifies the nation, Charles Lindbergh ushers in the era of aviation, Americans are celebrating good times but the progress also brings peril.Prohibition makes Al Capone a celebrity gangster

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Oscar Wilde

Writer Michael Bracewell presents an unusual and provocative look at the life and legacy of Oscar Wilde, the controversial Irish-born writer. Michael sets out to rescue him from the dangers of respectability byportraying him as an inspiration to generations of rockers and artists. Contributors include Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys, playwright Tom Stoppard, actor Stephen Fry, and guest appear

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