Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Louis Theroux: Law and Disorder in Philadelphia

Louis Theroux: Law and Disorder in Philadelphia Louis Theroux joins the Philadelphia Police Department patrolling the most dangerous part of one of the most violent cities in America. from the Telegraph review: "Making a film in one of America’s most crime-ridden cities might sound a daunting task, but Louis Theroux seems to relish the challenge in his latest documentary on BBC2 this week, Law and

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Child Slavery

In our society we take it for granted that children do not have to work or beg on streets, but according do this documentary there are still over 80 million kids in slavery worldwide. But how can it be, that child slavery is still existing? This documentary film shows how these young slaves live and what factors cause them to live under such conditions and who profits form this dirty business.

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Bush Family Fortunes

George W. Bush is only the latest and most famous part of the Bush family. He, as well as his father could call themselves “President of the United States of America“. But their history goes far further back. The family has been big in the finance and oil business and always knew how to influence political systems so that they act in their favour. The bush family has a long tradition of telling th

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Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way

Crack, Cokaine, Opium, Marhiuana, Heroine, etc. - Illegal Drugs have an enourmous impact on society. They make addictive, shorten our live-expectance and change the way we interact with other people. Drugs are therefore not onla a risk for ourselves but also for others. But many drugs have not allways been illegal, but were a medication against many “sicknesses”, like depressions or feeling tired.

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Google – Behind the Screen

This documentary shows how Google works behind the scenes and describes the ultimate goals of Google. Primarily it is to collect ALL information available worldwide. At the moment this is mostly about websites, but e.g. with Google Books they are allready expanding to printed media - and with Google Video (and Youtube) they are also expanding to movies. More information sources are going to be inc

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Iraq Conspiracy

The second war against Iraq (also known as “second gulf war”) started in March 2003. Over 5 years ago from now. According to Bush & Co. the war is to bring peace and democracy to Iraq and to fight terrorism, but this documentary brings up a conspiracy theory that questions the official reasons for this war. This documantary about the Iraq war might help to find the truth behind the lies we get

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Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election

Many things have been going wrong in the 2000 presidential election. This documentary shows how George W. Bush stole his seat in the white house with a corrupt system that allowed manipulated voting machines, police blokades in black neighbourhoods and not to forget the help of his Brother, the Governor of Floriada. They even put thousands of innocent people on a list of “criminals” that are not a

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A Brief History of Time

The movie about Stephen Hawking’s ideas from his book titled the same and abut his life. A Brief History of Time attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory, to the nonspecialist reader. Its main goal is to give an overview of the subject but, unusual for a popular science book, it also attempts to explain some compl

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