Posts By: Documentary Heaven

MARAWI: 153 days of war

Since President Rodrigo Duterte took power in the Philippines his administration has been surrounded in controversy, firstly for his heavy handed stance on drugs which has seen the murdering of drug dealers and users become commonplace without repercussions for those committing such murders.Now we see the biggest crisis to hit the young administration, a full blown war in Marawi City. The war

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Humans for Sale

In this BBC special, Humans for Sale, we are taken on a journey through the ruthless world of human trafficking as journalist Samantha Poling asks some tough questions and films those at the heart of the supply chain. Here she manages to discover a multimillion pound network operating within the United Kingdom.Human trafficking is big business, and to figure out just how big it is Poling follo

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Anatomy of a Scandal

Anatomy of a Scandal is an award winning 2011 investigation into medical research and vaccine trials which were carried out on children and babies in many Mother & Baby homes and other Irish institutions right up until 1973.During the making of this film a truly shocking discovery was made, the bodies of four hundred and sixty ‘illegimate’ infants had been sent to anatomy laboratories betw

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The Silk Roads

Our western ideal is under great pressure and we can do nothing to influence it, we take refuge in our everyday lives and hide behind new borders, we can't seem to cope in a world in which we increasingly feel out of place. No wonder says British historian Peter Frankopan, author of the bestseller "The Silk Roads: A New History of the World".We are the product of a history in which we have alw

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Britain’s Teenage Drug Runners

Rural villages and seaside towns across the United Kingdom now appear to be under threat, urban gangs are moving in with the sole intention to sell drugs. The police force is attempting to tackle these gangs who are extending their drug networks from the cities into the country side.With this new drug network comes several pressing issues, an increase in violence over territory, drug overdoses

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Down the Deep, Dark Web

Down The Deep, Dark Web is a film on, you guessed it... the Darknet. There have been many documentaries released recently on the now infamous dark net website The Silk Road but most of those films focus solely on that website alone and Ross Ulbricht , it's creator. This film however takes a closer look at the dark net itself and how it works.A journalist by the name of Yuval Orr is our tour

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An Inconvenient Border

The relationship between China and North Korea has always been complicated, China's Mao Zedong famously said that the two countries were as close as lips and teeth. A relationship forged in blood and steel during the Korean War against the United States.The leaders of China and North Korea have kept up that appearance of brotherhood since the times of Mao and North Koreas founder Kim Il-sung a

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Amazon Rising

Amazon Rising is and hour long special by CNBC and hosted by David Faber, examining the worlds largest e-tailer the show doesn't necessarily uncover any big secrets lurking behind the company but rather provides an in depth look at how they manager to shift such a large volume of product and how they became so successful in the first place.Faber discovers that Amazon prioritises customer se

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North Korea’s Nuclear Trump Card

North Korea has just tested a nuclear bomb which is believed to be 10 times more powerful than the one used on Hiroshima. Kim Jong Un versus Donald Trump is the most dangerous stand off seen in decades and people are no longer asking if the hermit kingdom can be stopped from developing nuclear weapons, but rather it can be prevented from using them.So how did North Korea achieve it's nuclear a

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