Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Man Who Loved The Number 12

The Man Who Loved The Number 12 is a film that explores excessive behaviour which is so extreme it can tear families apart. It is a portrait of a husband and father who has been decimated by obsessive compulsive disorder and a family who are learning how to cope with his crippling mental illness.This is the remarkable story of Huge Turner who has suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OC

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The Jersey Shore of England

These days Liverpool is considered to be Britain's capital city of beauty. On average, there are six times more gyms, training salons and "cosmetic surgeons" than anywhere else in the country.Users of intravenous tanning solutions and steroids are now the most regular clients of the cities needle exchanges.This VICE special started filming in March of 2010 and was shot over a period of 10

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The Making of Goodfellas

For the making of Martin Scorsese's classic Goodfellas, Scorsese collaborated with producer and screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi. Together they took credit for writing the script which had to go through 12 iterations before being considered finished.Scorsese persuaded Pileggi that they shouldn't follow the traditional narrative structure of having a start, middle and end but rather wanted to d

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Chaos Theory and Dynamic Systems

At one time we thought the universe ticked off its motions with stately regularity, however with every development in understanding the world around us we discovered that much of the universe operates in a far more unpredictable way.Up until recently science had no explanation for such anomalies observed throughout the universe. The atmosphere, the oceans and much of outer space moves like a t

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In recent times it is becoming more and more evident that the line between real news and what could be considered propaganda is becoming thinner and thinner. In 2016 we saw Trump refer to this type of news as "fake news".Depending on what particular news network you are viewing in the United States you are bound to be faced with some bias, an example would be FOX or CNN, if you lean towards th

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Meltdown: The Men Who Crashed The World

Meltdown is a four-part investigation into the orgy of greed and recklessness that drove the world into financial collapse back in 2008 and only now are the hard questions being asked, only now are the key players being held to account.In the first episode we hear from four men who are responsible for crashing the global economy. From a billionaire mortgage seller who managed to pull the wool ov

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Italy’s Mystery Mummies

Thousands of mummies in the very heart of Europe, monks, doctors, soldiers and even children, dead yet resisting deaths inevitable decay in the catacombs in Italy's Catholic churches. Some of these mummies are so well preserved it is almost impossible to tel if they are dead or merely sleeping, but who made these mummies and why?First the first time these Italian churches are permitting scientis

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The Anthropocene: The Age of Mankind

Humans have been trying to control nature for quite some time, and out influence has become more and more dramatic, in fact it is now so strong that following years of research and monitoring an international group of geologists are suggesting we introduce a new geological age, The Age of Mankind or rather "The Anthropocene".What awaits us in this new age? Through interviews with a geologist,

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Black Taxis

This film follows Brendan, Gerald and Tom all of whom are former volunteers of the Irish Republican Army or IRA. For these men and all Irish Republicans alike the period of armed struggle is now over, but for those who were directly involved in the 30 years of war how difficult is it now to find peace?Today all these men are now Black Taxi drivers and operate within the Republican areas of Bel

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