Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Killings of the Three Scottish Soldiers

For two years the BBC Spotlight team worked on the series The Troubles a Secret History revisiting some of the systemic moments of the troubles in Northern Ireland. Investigating some of the more pivotal events that were enormously significant at the time but hardly scrutinised since, like the killings of three young Scottish soldiers found shot dead, their bodies dumped in north Belfast.They

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How Big Is The Universe?

In 1883, German astronomer Heinrich Olbers looked up into the night sky and saw darkness. He wondered that if the universe were infinite and eternally static then, surely shouldn't the night sky shine with the light of infinite stars? Olbers paradox was so compelling that many considered it proof of a finite universe, a cosmos that at some point simply ends.It wasn't until a century later wh

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Flying Objects A State Secret

On December 16th, 2017, footage shot by the U.S. Navy spread panic amongst the American population, until then classified as a top-secret defense matter. In this release, three videos of unidentified flying objects filmed by F-18s were made public and they would be authenticated by the pentagon in April 2020.The first video dates from November 2004, it was filmed by a patrol flying near the U

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Unraveling the Madness of Kanye West

In today's musical landscape there are few artists more polarising than Kanye West. Unlike most entertainers, it's Kanye's unparalleled boldness that simultaneously propels him to new heights whilst fracturing his betrayal in the media. Leaving little room for nuance or public perception, you either love the man or hate him.Whether it's throwing his support behind Donald Trump or stealing th

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How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

They came from all 50 states out of some sense of patriotic duty to protest an election they believed was stolen. Their day of action was January 6th, 2021, a day when Congress would count electoral ballots and ratify the 2020 results. For some, it was just a rally for their president, but for others that attended it was a call to arms.In the weeks leading up to the rally, there were over a

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The Struggle For Oil

In April 2010, the drilling rig deepwater horizon blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 780 million liters of crude oil poured into the Gulf, unleashing the most severe ecological disaster in the history of the United States. Is our insatiable thirst for all this oil driving us into these catastrophes?Still, we are floating in energy, making the day out of night and oil is the motor o

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Prison State

There are 2.3 million people locked up in the United States, around half of these people have been sentenced for nonviolent crimes. These inmates are literally costing states billions of dollars each year that they can't afford. In this FRONTLINE special we are taken inside one of America's neighborhoods where getting locked up is just simply a part of everyday life. We see how the system is desi

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No-Go Zones: Seven Mile Road, Detroit, USA

Seven Mile Road located in Detroit is one of the most dangerous no-go zones in the United States. Those who live or dare to come here to visit are literally playing with their lives. It is a territory ruled by the Seven Mile Bloods, one of the most notorious gangs in the city. A gang comprised of drug dealers, hustlers, killers, and thieves prepared to do whatever it takes to defend their territo

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Killing Gaza

Killing Gaza is a film created by two independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen, it is a detailed account of Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, a conflict that lasted 7 weeks (8 July – 26 August 2014) and was one of the deadliest seen between the Palestinians and Israel in decades. This film reveals the terrible events that took place throughout the war and its horrific aftermath. As the

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