Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The True Cost of Climate Denial

When President Trump announced his plans to withdraw America from the landmark Paris climate agreement he was faced with condemnation from not only the public but many leading corporate figures such as Elon Musk (founder of Paypal, Tesla and Space X) and Tim Cook (CEO of Apple). This however did not deter him from pulling out.The Paris agreement was one which many hailed as the worlds best cha

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Joe Louis: America’s Hero… Betrayed

Joseph Louis Barrow, born May 12, 1914 in Alabama, was the first athlete America had accepted as a whole with regards to race, a true crossover star who was respected and admired by both black and white fans. His boxing talent was undeniable but this was not the soul reason for his received respect, he was the first man that showed the world that a person color was also able to climb the social ra

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ISIL: Target Russia

For groups like Al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, America has always been considered the ultimate enemy but following Vladimir Putin's bombing campaign in Syria, Russia may have taken it's place as target number one for ISIL.Thousands of ISIL fighters from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere are regrouping in the virtual impregnable mountains of Afghanistan, plotting revenge against the

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Warning: This Drug May Kill You

HBO's special Warning: This Drug May Kill You is a heartbreaking tale of four families who have all been tragically affected by prescribed opioid addiction, it is an epidemic that is echoed all across the United States, ripping communities apart one addict at a time.It is an epidemic which was fueled by an aggressive 1990's marketing campaign led by Purdue Pharma that promoted the wide

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Mum Loves Drugs, Not Me

In this shocking Dispatches special we witness the devastating effects of illegal drug abuse, not on those who use them but rather on the 350,000 or so children who's parents have a serious drug problem and the grandparents who tend to be left to pick up the pieces.Around 3,500 babies are born to heroin addicted mothers every year in the United Kingdom, this equates to about 10 a day and in th

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The New Germans

With several countries in the Middle East and Africa going through a very turbulent time at the minute, we have seen the rise of ISIS and the Syrian war rage on for years now and with all this conflict it should come as no surprise that nearly one million ethnic Arabs have fled their homelands in order to escape the violence and seek refuge.Since 2015 many of these refugees have ended up in Ge

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Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence

Francis Bacon was an Irish-born British painter who became very well known for this unusual style of art which could be described as being edgy, emotionally charged and raw. Bacon was a bit slow to get started with regards to his career, it wasn't until his mid-30's that he finally found a subject matter in which could keep him interested.In 1944 Bacon's breakthrough came in the form of a trip

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My Lai Massacre

The Vietnam War was not one of America's finer moments in history for obvious reasons but there was a specific moment during the war that casts an even darker cloud over the conflict, that was the Mỹ Lai Massacre.The Mỹ Lai Massacre was a true war crime which saw the mass killing of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968. Whats so shocking ab

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The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening takes us on the journey of music and explores the process involved in allowing it to reach its listener's ear. Starting out with the intent of a instrument maker and composer, moving on to the producers and engineers who are responsible for capturing the sound produced and blending in the artists voice.Along this journey we hear from artists, engineers and producers themselv

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