Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Jim: The James Foley Story

James "Jim" Foley was an American photojournalist who was kidnapped in Syria on Thanksgiving Day 2012. After being kidnapped he went missing for two long years before the infamous video of his execution was released by the terror group know as the Islamic State.The video sent shockwaves around the world and played a big role in introducing many of us to the fundamentalist group. Through the us

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One Night In Cologne

In the last year more than 1 million asylum seekers, many flocked when the German chancellor Angela Merkel declared the borders open to Syrians. However a panicked Europe is now locking down on who it lets in, the migrant route into Germany now effectively closed, all because of one night in Cologne.On New Years Eve 2015 hundreds of German women were surrounded, sexually assaulted and robbed b

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It was a time of discord in the Christian world, threatened by the Protestant Reformation the Roman Catholic Church demanded strict adherence to its dogma enforced by the violent threat of inquisition, fear of heresy was in the air.In this turbulent era Galileo Galilei would become Europe's most celebrated scientist, if there is any one person who it can be said created modern science it has to

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The Perfect Crime

This is the shocking tale of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two well to do college students who both came from extremely wealthy families in Chicago. The two plotted the kidnapping and murder of a 14 year old boy just so they could prove they were smart enough to get away with it.The body of the child was found on the morning of May 22nd 1924, his name was Bobby Franks and he was rep

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Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again

Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again is a film which sets about examining the many parallels between Donald Trump and many well known narcissists. It also explores how Trump is using right-wing populism, Islamophobia, racism and nationalism to stir up the political pot in order to gain attention. However in doing so he has found much support in the form of white supremacy, many of these individua

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Tales Of The Grim Sleeper

Lonnie Franklin lived on 81st Street in Western Avenue in South Central, Los Angeles, the poor part of town with the worst schools and the worst hospitals, with little to no jobs available. Everyone from the area knew Lonnie, he was a good neighbour who you could turn too when in a time need.On July 7th, 2010 police raided Lonnie's house and arrested him, Lonnie Franklin is now charged with

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Scotland’s Secret Shame

Glasgow officials would like to project an image of a city full of energy and life, with ambitious plans for the 21st century but Glasgow and indeed Scotland also have another image that they desperately want to shed, it is one of religious hatred.This is a film about two communities, one Protestant, the other Catholic and the centuries old rivalries between them, it is also a film about two o

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DEFCON: The Documentary

The first DEFCON took place in June 1993 and since then it has been well established as one of the world's largest annual hacker conventions. It takes place annually in Las Vegas, Nevada, seeing many computer security professionals, journalists, lawyers, federal government employees, security researchers, students, hackers, etc. showing great interest year after year in a variety of subjects rangi

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The Age of Stupid

The Age of Stupid is a British film which was released back in 2009 by Franny Armstrong, director of McLibel. The documentary itself is semi-dramatised, featuring the actor Pete Postlethwaite who portrays a man who is living alone in the devastated world of 2055. Postlethwaite can be seen watching archive footage from the mid to late 2000's, as he asks the question "Why didn't we st

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