Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Why the Deadly Asbestos Industry Is Still Alive and Well

Asbestos was once widely used amongst homes and building across the United States, but it is now known as a carcinogen and hazardous substance because of the dangerous health risks from being exposed to this toxic mineral.Enormous effort is now put into removing it from houses and materials because asbestos kills more than 100,000 people a year and is banned in 59 countries. But rather than be

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Under Fire

A 16x9 special investigation into one of the most horrifying killing spree's to ever take place in Canada. It's the story of Justin Bourque, a lone gunman aged only 24 who went on a hunt for police officers in Moncton, located in the southeastern portion of the province of New Brunswick. This films probes the idea of police officers not having access to the equipment needed to stop a crazed gunman

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Libya’s Quiet War: The Tuareg of South Libya

It has been five years since the start of the revolution that toppled former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and Libyan's are desperately trying to get their country back on track. Libya currently has two rival governments, one based in the west and the other in the east each with their own armed groups. These groups are now battling each other across the country for wealth and power.Violence

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The O.J. Verdict: Shock of the Century

20 years ago O.J. Simpson went on trial for two grizzly murders, that of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson, and 25 year old waiter Ronald Lyle Goldman. After 9 months of riveting twists and turns he was eventually acquitted of all charges.Now over 20 years on CNN decide revisit the case in this special report, going behind the scenes, inside the jury room and outside the courtroom, examining

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Dublin Gangland

In June 1996 reporter Veronica Guerin, was assassinated for running a fearless newspaper campaign to name and shame Dublin's crime lords who had grown rich from flooding the city streets with drugs. Whilst the gangsters most vocal critic had been silenced her brutal murder would only expose their criminal empires and provoke an all out war with the power hungry men who had ruled the city streets f

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North Korea: The Great Illusion

This is a journey like no other, after several months of wrangling with North Korean authorities in Paris reporters Michaël Sztanke and Julien Alri obtained a visa for Pyongyang but as soon as they arrived the scene was set by a compulsory photo shoot. Journalists are kept under close surveillance and to go to North Korea is to accept the presence of guides who provide supervision 24 hours a

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Bloody Queens: Elizabeth and Mary

Queen Elizabeth I, conqueror of the Spanish Armada, Tudor defender of the Protestant faith, the headstrong Virgin Queen who refused to marry, but out of all of her challenges her most grueling battle happened to be with another women, her own cousin, Mary Stuart Queen of Scots. Elizabeth had not faced a more relentless threat to her crown or her life, both claimed the English throne, two

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Chris Benoit: A Fight To The Death

Before anyone had heard of Vince McMahon, WWE Raw or Friday Night Smackdown, a true wrestling tradition took place on Friday nights in the Stampede Grounds of Calgary and some of those who wrestled here would become the biggest names in the industry.These included the likes of Andre The Giant, Owen Hart, The Junkyard Dog, Davey Boy Smith and Chris Benoit, but soon one by one each of them wo

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Fresh Coast

'Fresh Coast' is a documentary which sets about chronicling the legacy of some of the most prolific and influential battle rappers located deep within California's underworld grass roots hip-hop scene. Even though these young upcoming artists are very much celebrated from within the scene itself and already have gathered quite a cult following, they yet still remain relatively unknown to the world

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