Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Golden Mountains of Suriname

In the South American, Suriname Mountains, the precious metal gold can be found everywhere, from political power to the jewellery being worn by the locals. The effects of the gold mining which is occurring here seeps into all aspects of society. For many Surinamese, the gold industry is a necessary source of income but it is destroying the environment and the health of those around it.In this

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Factory City

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live where you work, no? neither have I and for most of us the idea would simply be unthinkable, but imagine living and working at one of the biggest factories in the world, a workplace the size of Monaco. For the 17,000 employees stationed at the mega factory known as EUPA, it is reality and they come from all over China seeking a brighter

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Fidel Castro

Born August 13, 1926, Fidel Castro is now 89 years of age and one of the most controversial / diverse world figures around. He has been decorated with many international awards and those that support him, hail him as a champion of socialism, anti-imperialism and humanitarianism, whose revolutionary regime managed to win Cuba it's independence from the so called "American imperialism".T

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No Laughing Matter: Inside the Bill Cosby Allegations

In the fall 2014, Bill Cosby was re-staking his claim as an A-list celebrity at the age of 77, he was staring right into the eyes of a career rejuvenation and 30 years after his NBC blockbuster series "The Cosby Show" the network was cooking up another Cosby sitcom, Netflix had plans to stream a comedy special and a 500 page biography was a New York Times bestseller.Things were looking up unti

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Secrets of the Mona Lisa

Bewitching, seductive and world famous, in the minds of millions she is the ultimate work of art being endlessly photographed and admired yet behind the enigmatic smile she remains a mystery. Who was she and why was she painted, what was it that has made her the worlds most famous painting?After 500 years in the spotlight the Mona Lisa is finally giving up her secrets, centuries of old documents

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William Jefferson 'Bill' Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States and served in office from 1993 up until 2001. At the age of 46 he became the third youngest president and in this hour long special we follow his bumpy road to presidential victory, examining the amazing triumph gained over repeated scandals and setbacks.Clinton was a president who rose from a broken childhood in Arka

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Decoding Neanderthals

They were the brutes of Ice Age Europe, although a branch of our human family tree they were still viewed upon as a dead end. Deep in our prehistoric past they were called Neanderthals. They carved out a marginal existence hunting by brute force with only simple stone tools, they were considered primitive with no language, art or the higher level thinking of an advanced species such as o

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In the 21st Century we all march to a digital beat, electronic devices shape how we work talk, travel and play, and at the very heart of todays technology lies a very tiny but extraordinary invention. It's inventor is not a household name but to those that knew him Robert Noyce is one of the key figures of the modern age.Noyce laid the foundations of Americas most innovative industry and Si

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Crimes That Shook Britain: James Bulger

On the afternoon of Friday the 12th of February 1993, a 2 year old boy disappeared from a shopping centre in Bootle near Liverpool in Britain, the boys name is James Bulger. Despite a mass search to find the child nobody could have predicted the horrific outcome that would later be revealed. The circumstances behind James Bulgers disappearance and ultimate death were incomprehensible as

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