Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Impact! A Horizon Guide To Car Crashes

For most of our history, horseback was as fast as any human could hope to travel but then came along the industrial revolution which saw the birth of steam powered and internal combustion engines. Cars transformed our world they made travel easier, more accessible and faster than ever before.This speed however also brought danger with it and for more than 60 years Horizon and the BBC have report

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Marmelete and the Medronho

The cool Autumn marks a change in the Earths cycles, giving way to a new season and the Aguardente de Medronhos which is a traditional Portuguese brandy made from the fruit of the Medronho tree. These trees tend to grow wild on the soils of rural Portugal, in areas such as Marmalete, a small village located in the Algarve. In this short film we are taken through the beautiful craft involved in gat

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First Peoples: Europe

Today we have Europe to ourselves we are all modern humans but when we first arrived in this land it was already a home for our cousins, the Neanderthals. We used to think that we were so much more advanced that we killed them off but that may be wrong. In reality we were so similar in make up that we could interbreed with them and share out DNA. The old story has collapse and we need to now tell

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July of 1863 saw one of the most devastating battles of the American Civil War take place in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Comprising of Union and Confederate forces the battle of Gettysburg, a minor skirmish that started by accident quickly exploded into the deadliest battle ever fought on US soil and resulted in the largest number of casualties seen throughout the entire war.

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Sinkholes: Buried Alive

They can occur suddenly and catastrophically, they have swallowed cars, animals and people. They have destroyed homes and few an unlucky few have become graves. These are sinkholes, all across the globe enormous sinkholes have cracked the earths surface like an egg shell devouring every type of terrain with a destructive force that defies imagination. In Louisiana a 40 acer monster has been consum

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Hitler’s Death Squad

June 6th 1944, D-Day marks a turning point in WWII. Facing the threat of defeat Adolf Hitler orders massive reinforcements to Normandy to drive the Allies back into the sea. Among them was an elite 15,000 strong division called Das Reich, as these soldiers travelled to the combat zone they come under attack from the French resistance and respond with appalling violence. This is the story of the te

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Public Enemy: Prophets of Rage

1970's America, Hip-Hop was in it's early phase rising up from the ghettos of New York, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, a perfect environment to breed raps most political group but that wasn't where the Public Enemy story started, it began on the more affluent streets of New Yorks, Long Island.They were the biggest rap group on the planet and the most controversial, they sold millions of recor

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Cocaine: Narcos, Sicarios and Peru

From the terror of hired killers trained by the cartels to the war on drugs in the remote jungles of Peru, this is a series about the new cartel wars and the legacy left behind by Pablo Escobar.Pablo Escobar was the mastermind of drug trafficking and narco terrorism in Colombia during the 1980s. He converted the city of Medellin into the cocaine capital of the world, pioneered a model that alm

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The Story Of Technoviking

The "Techno Viking", for those that don't already know was one of the very first internet phenomenon's or meme's, it is a 4-minute video shot by experimental video artist Matthias Fritsch at the 2000 Fuckparade held back in Berlin, Germany. Originally given the title "Kneecam No. 1" the video shows a large, bare-chested man having some words with another man who carelessly shoved a women as he was

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