Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The VIP Paedophile Ring: What’s the Truth

Are these the most serious accusations ever levelled against members of the British establishment? The claim that politicians, military leaders and secret service chiefs got together in order to torture, rape and murder children. Thirty year old rumours of a VIP pedophile ring have been revived, powerful people got away with abuse in the past but has the pendulum swung too far? The fear is that th

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The FIFA Story

FIFA is one of those video games that everyone has played, when you think of football games you think of FIFA. The game franchise was originally released back in 1993 and since then EA Sports have incrementally released a new version every year to coincide with the start of the football season itself, with each version getting better and better as the technology and game design improved.In thi

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Rooney: The Man Behind the Goals

Ever since he was 16 years old he has lived his life in the public eye, yet no one outside of his family and close friends really knows him. Sir Bobby Charlton scored the last of his 49 goals for England in 1970 a record that Wayne Rooney has finally broken, the narrator, Gary Lineker came close but got stuck on 48 but now Rooney has become England's greatest goal scorer, but who is he? who is the

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Which Universe Are We In?

There is an idea once thought to be so radical that just mentioning it was thought to be pure insanity, but now scientists from around the world are daring to believe that it is actually true. They think that our universe is not alone its just one of an infinite number of weird and wonderful worlds. Some where life is familiar, others where things turned out a little differently.Some of these

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Terror on the Beach

On June 26th 2015 the worst terror attack on Britain's abroad since 9/11 took place, leaving 30 British dead and 26 injured, a holiday paradise now off limits to British tourists and lives changed forever by a gunman in black. Should holiday makers have known more about the dangers posed by Jihadis? In this episode of Panorama the survivors of the horror in Tunisia tell their story and piece

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Are Video Games Really That Bad?

They started as simple blocks of light, but few predicted they heralded a revolution in entertainment, video games had arrived. An entire generation has now grown up immersed in virtual worlds becoming ever more realistic and like television and film before them they are not without controversy. Video games stand accused of making us violent or causing addiction, but do any of these claims hold wa

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Welcome To Death Row

A new found interest in N.W.A. and their music has emerged from the light that has been shone on the hardcore rap group by the recent release of the film "Straight Outta Compton", which portrays the trails and tribulations faced by the West Coast collective as they rose to fame. This documentary which was originally released back in 2001 documents the reality as seen in movie t

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The Artful Codgers

On the 28th of January 2008, the head of one of Britain's most elusive crime families arrived at court in order to be sentenced, together Olive, George and Sean Greenhalgh had become the most successful forgers in history. Their fakes ranged across all types of art and were so spectacular that one was even shown to the Queen of England.Using police interviews and unseen footage, this documentary

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Bletchley Park: Code-breaking’s Forgotten Genius

Gordon Welchman was a World War II codebreaking hero, without him the top secret German Enigma codes might never have been broken. The war as a result may have lasted a further two extra years and tens of thousands more would have died. Gordon Welchman should be famous, his contribution to the war was as great as Alan Turing's so why is it that we have never heard of him?Welchman was the archi

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