An exploration of the Black Label Bicycle Club and the wider tallbike
subculture that has grown up around it. Comprised mainly of artists
driven by anti-materialism and a belief that the impending apocalypse
will render cars useless and bicycles in power, BLBC battles
mainstream consumer culture and rival gangs for its vision of a better
tomorrow. The film chronicles the trials of co-director Anthony Howard
as he tries to become a member of the club.

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I wish I could edit out the (protagonist?) That seemed like self absorbed, obnoxious, jerk. This guy liked to start fights with people and get way to fucked up, and then when it come down to it he still has the nerve to ask why won’t you let Me Join???
This person also seemed to also think the thing he was attempting to join up with was a bit more like a gang then a club? Did you see the first monologue of him talking about the club? It was pretty divulgent and mis informed to the point of dilution.
I feel like this could have been an interesting look into a unique bike culture, and art group. But instead we got a poorly framed portrail if someone’s drug addiction, break up, community rejection (Merited!, Previous poorly observed (Work?) Film pieces, and starts a spite club with a dumb name, when he gets refected for being a douche bag.
a bunch of fucking tools.
a bunch of fucking tools.
Can´t recall seeing anything quite as useless as this lately.
I can understand having fun and drinkin beer, getting together and maybe even having a common cause for better world, but… tattoos and colors XD
Then hurt yourself just to look like you can take it, bleed a little, act like an ape and maybe, just maybe you´re invited to bleed some more an eat from a trash can in a f****** gang?
How much more un-cool can anyone get?
and did you hear those assholes acting like they were in war talking about sacrifice these guys are lazy assholes full of shit.
and did you hear those assholes acting like they were in war talking about sacrifice these guys are lazy assholes full of shit.
Nothing of relevance or interest: film was wasted only to give free publicity to these obnoxious pricks.
What a bunch of hypocritical tossers that i’m glad i don’t know