The rapid advance of technology allows companies to monitor our every move and record our most private personal information. Driving habits are being recorded; employees are monitored, shoppers and diners are observed and analyzed; internet searches are saved and used as evidence in court. It is big business that collects most of the data about us. But increasingly, it is the government that’s using it. BIG BROTHER, BIG BUSINESS takes an enlightening and sometimes disturbing look at how the growth of the information society may be eroding the freedoms many people take for granted.

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You can`t ? Well I guess unless it happens to you you may not change your mind. Myself, I wasn`t given a choice. I`ve had numerous abductions , many being surgical in nature and these have been investigated by 2 of the top researchers on the subject today . One is Betty & Barney Hills Niece . I have a ton of evidence including pictures of several ET~s in my backyard from May 24th, 2014 as a UFO hovered over the back lane . I also have audio of my own abduction from Feb 6th, 2014, which was a pure fluke . I have numerous videos that have orbs flying through my house, i`ve also caught many on film that when enlarged have contained the faces & heads of ET`s inside them . All of what I~ve told you is in photographic or video files and also in my MUFON case file . It was ridicoulously hard to deal with by myself when these events started happening . I woke up Janary 29, 2013 just after 6 am with a large perfect Y inscision on top of my head , that I discovered after cleaning up all the blood that was in my hair .Despite my head being just soaked in blood on top , there was not a single drop anywhere on my pillow or covers . This inscision was so precise my doctor said it looked like it was done with a laser . I took multiple pictures that day & everyday for the next month & a half while it was healing. I live alone, so noone could have done this to me, and it was way too perfect for an accident of any kind. These events as I call them are continuing to this day . Alien Abduction doesn`t just happen in hollywood movies, it`s for real , I found that out the hard way . They are here, they were always here and we are definately not alone in the Universe.
Whats scary is that our naive friend is representative of the guy on the street who cant conceive of any conspiracy existing. Its borne out of a fundamental belief in the integrity of the western political system. I find poltical integrity about as plausible as alien abduction – I so want to believe… but I just cant.
We’re dealing with absolute power here. Only thing is that the people who are about to start wielding it are already corrupt absolutely….
Whats scary is that our naive friend is representative of the guy on the street who cant conceive of any conspiracy existing. Its borne out of a fundamental belief in the integrity of the western political system. I find poltical integrity about as plausible as alien abduction – I so want to believe… but I just cant.
We’re dealing with absolute power here. Only thing is that the people who are about to start wielding it are already corrupt absolutely….
Can,t believe this, what you people are posting.whats next ratting on your friends and family.Big bro is not about Watching the bad guys, its about ruling over us. wake the hell up . sad part is we are paying for them to do it .God damn it fight back .how you going to look the people in the eye ,If you give up your making suckers out of thoses who went before us ,that fought to keep this country free .some fought and died.tell you the simple truth of the matter, this is what they want you to do ,. that is roll over and quit ..wake the hell up before your put in these camps there re-opening in this country. when they build jails camps etc. its not for there health .they intend to use them ..come on stop debating , you can only debate for so long then you have to act. i think this is a good time in history , to act ..draw a line in the sand .and stop moving that line . and stand behind it and push forward if you can . at least for your kids to have the same rights you had .at least wake up to whats going on around you …
Can,t believe this, what you people are posting.whats next ratting on your friends and family.Big bro is not about Watching the bad guys, its about ruling over us. wake the hell up . sad part is we are paying for them to do it .God damn it fight back .how you going to look the people in the eye ,If you give up your making suckers out of thoses who went before us ,that fought to keep this country free .some fought and died.tell you the simple truth of the matter, this is what they want you to do ,. that is roll over and quit ..wake the hell up before your put in these camps there re-opening in this country. when they build jails camps etc. its not for there health .they intend to use them ..come on stop debating , you can only debate for so long then you have to act. i think this is a good time in history , to act ..draw a line in the sand .and stop moving that line . and stand behind it and push forward if you can . at least for your kids to have the same rights you had .at least wake up to whats going on around you …
if anyone has footage of ne yo’s performance holla..that was filthy!!
I think it is a good thing Big Brother is involved. In a current time when America has to “watch our backs” from terrorists and our own internal problems ie: murder, rape, child porn etc …..someone needs to monitor this. If its something illegal or unethical then you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place!! Most of the world wide web is free and public information.
I cant figure out if you are truly ignorant, or just very naive.
But at the same time, who are you and who am I to spy on you or to judge on you? or who are we to judge what’s right or wrong?
In my opinion there is only one type of crime, and that is privacy violation, because every crime is in some way related to the privacy and liberty of the person who got raped/robbed/killed/whatever. So no, tecnology and privacy control doesn’t keep you safe but it doesnt do the oposite and that’s why it’s such a dificult thing to talk about. Controling the streets doesn’t stop crime, it just makes it easier to catch the guy that didn’t behave in their standards.
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