The Big Fix is a 2012 documentary film about two filmmakers, Josh and Rebecca Tickell, as they travel along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico meeting the residents whose lives were changed by the 2010 BP Oil Spill. The film argues that BP has utilized the oil dispersant Corexit in the Gulf to create the illusion that the Louisiana beaches are safe and the water (and seafood) uncontaminated.

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Matthew R. Simmons was found dead at 69 on August 8, 2010, in his hot tub at his cottage in Maine. An autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office the NEXT DAY concluded that he died from accidental drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor. He had publicly stated on June 9th that BP was going to go bankrupt by Sept 2010 while holding 8000 shorted shares which would have made him very rich if everyone had panicked and sold all their shares causing the share price to drop. On July 15th, he publicly stated that a 300-400 ft lake of thick, black oil was spread over 40% of the gulf 1600 ft under the surface depleting all of the oxygen. Hmmm….
When the story first broke I knew (like others) that this was going to be a major disaster. Who knew that much oil would spill?
Of course it will continue, this sort of disaster is a massive windfall to the service companies involved. I would venture a guess that the profit made by the various companies involved in the remedial works dwarfs the losses from the spill itself and the fines imposed. Lazy capitalism loves a quick buck and a “disaster” is a great way to generate that.
Really frightening but I must say unfortunately, not really surprising. As long as the responsible people and companies are getting away, this will continue and economical compencations, that are always way lower than the profits made, will remain a part of the budget.
People offer things left and right, it is the government’s responsibility to regulate, to watch, what is good for individuals? Makes sense because the government can be everywhere anytime to keep businesses to offer only good things, but accidents happen because of carelessness.
Outstanding. Nice work exposing the real story. Just read in Dec 2013 BP found it’s largest find in the Gulf. Shame.
Good documentary, ugly & sad story. There’s poisoning going on like this all across the world, unfortunately, wherever you find humans. Even where I live, the wind blows and kicks up dirt from the fields, and dangerous pesticides and herbicides and other chemicals cause lung trouble. Not only that – what doesn’t blow around is eventually carried by rain water to underground aquifers people drink from. Doesn’t just stop with business, sadly.
People are quite frankly willing to cut off their nose to spite their face when it comes to pest management; nearly every city has a vector control company that spreads nerve-damaging, calcium channel-activating fogs throughout neighborhoods and over still water reserves. If you’re “allergic” to the stuff that’s sprayed, you can typically request they don’t spray your area… problem is no one is truly “allergic.” That’s a nice way of saying “If you’re one of the thousands of people with epilepsy who our spray might cause to drop dead, we might accept your request and sometimes forget to spray around your neighborhood.” I still remember a lady having a not-so-coincidental seizure the same evening our municipal pest control people came spraying.
Our food is polluted and raised to be unhealthy (even many of the plants), meaning we cannot get the nutrition we need to in the ratios were required for health, meaning we need to use supplements that patch the problem and slowly intoxicate us with dangerous stabilizer and preservative and other industrial chemicals, not to mention the advertized synthetics themselves. Every facet of modern human living these days is polluted, and people with little experience other than city life haven’t the experience to know otherwise – they can’t believe there would be some sort of “conspiracy,” and when presented with clear evidence, they’d rather believe in complicated and mysterious coincidences – just hundreds of thousands of coincidences over and over.
Oil itself is something that life just has to deal with. Tar and petroleum are just a part of our environment, and humans will come across it in some form or fashion whether or not they’re drilling, even in natural clay deposits. The real tragedy is the stuff they’re spraying to cover up their mistakes.
This is amazing! I never thought about what’s going on, I too thought it was over and that was it. Now I find myself with anger, towards BP, towards the US government, coruption and most of all knowing that still not enough people are listening and believing! And every country is just as bad! I feel inlightened and that if wnough people spread the word hopefully one day, we all come together and see money isn’t everything!
very interesting doc.
I loved it. , it is exhaustive
The guy at the end with the solar panels gets it. We bring this on ourselves by worshipping CEOs. RIP Gulf. Now who’s the next prom king and queen? Oh wait..I don’t care. Virtual democracy 2014!
Its a well presented documentary, I did feel it verged on conspiracy at points, but mostly stuck to fact. It certainly raised a lot of points I relate to, lack of media coverage, this was the first time I became aware of the use of these chemicals after the spill. In fact I find it hard to watch at many point, my mind cant comprehend how money can still create such ridiculous solutions. Using a chemical that has been band in the U.K for 10 years and still calling it the best option… One thing that did play on my mind throughout was how America is renowned as a country that uses excess amounts of oil, so it was almost bound to happen. I would have liked for this documentary to have brought up alternative energy as a solution for prevention in the future. However it certainly shows a side of the story that needs to be seen.
What a powerful, moving, well researched documentary. Its relentless and, dramatic. It will break your heart; because it speaks the truth. It is real, and it is happening. Really well done.