Andrew travels to Uganda, known as the pearl of Africa, where the people are friendly and the food is simple. He hunts for a fish that lives on land, harvests flying ants, and sinks his teeth into the meat of a sugar cane rat.

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eat biatch!!!!
Didn’t realize Zimmern was a nigger….
The video was choppy for me too. I just clicked the youtube link below the video. It works fine now.
Brilliant doc, but does not show real life in Africa. I watched this from on my laptop while eating fish n chips. And i mange to do that in THE “DARK CONTINENT” Very easy for the west to generalize and think they know africa after watching 30mins of selected footage.
I meant “The first few minutes of the documentary are choppy”
The first few minutes of the documentary but I forwarded a bit and it worked fine.
The video quality is not great, but is watchable even though sometimes it hard to see whats going on.
Overall, its a very good documentary and shows the real life of the real people of Africa.
To Arn…this documentary ran just fine for me, must a problem in your computer.
This was a very interesting documentary and Andrew Zimmerman presents a very true to life image of Uganda. Life there would seem to be quite primitive by North American or European standards, but the people seem very happy, well behaved and quite healthy. I saw no seriously overweight people, no military or police controls, only a lot of happy folks who loved to eat bugs and have parties. Andrew Zimmerman reminded me of a kid went to school with when I was quite young. He’d eat anything, if you dared him to…spiders, bougers, dog turds…anything, and then look at you and smile and say.” Tastes like chicken”…quite an informative documentary of life in Africa, and shedding some light on the “Dark Continent”…well done Mr. Zimmerman.
As for the texture of over-cooked chicked and tastes like swamp grass…well I’ll settle for PEI potatoes and Alberta beef, if it’s all the same to you, thank you
To Arn…this documentary ran just fine for me, must a problem in your computer.
This was a very interesting documentary and Andrew Zimmerman presents a very true to life image of Uganda. Life there would seem to be quite primitive by North American or European standards, but the people seem very happy, well behaved and quite healthy. I saw no seriously overweight people, no military or police controls, only a lot of happy folks who loved to eat bugs and have parties. Andrew Zimmerman reminded me of a kid went to school with when I was quite young. He’d eat anything, if you dared him to…spiders, bougers, dog turds…anything, and then look at you and smile and say.” Tastes like chicken”…quit informative documentary of life in Africa, and shedding some light on the “Dark Continent”…well done Mr. Zimmerman
This video Le sucks. Its all choppy and what not, anyone else experiance this?