
Blood in the Face

Blood in the Face was inspired by a nonfiction book by author James Ridgeway, who is also credited as one of the film’s directors. This documentary was largely shot in Cohoctah Township, Michigan. It focuses on a gathering of neo-Nazis, racists, and conspiracy theorists who expect people of color to ignite a Racial Holy War in the U.S.

Filmmakers Anne Bohlen and Kevin Rafferty take an intentionally leisurely, conversational tack with supremacists who have assembled for lectures and workshops on everything from getting their message out via home videos to moving all like-minded “white Christians” to the Northwest, especially the Idaho Panhandle.

According to the audio commentary on the Roger & Me DVD, Academy Award-winning American filmmaker Michael Moore appears as an off-screen interviewer because he was originally contacted to arrange a meeting between the filmmakers and the supremacists since he had previously interviewed them for a magazine. At the last minute, the filmmakers backed out of the interview and Moore stepped in to conduct it.

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  1. I saw this documentary back in 2018 is hard to find, I think is an excellent example of what is happening today, they sure They achieved their goal because we have a white supremacist in power

  2. Can you get a headache from stupid?

  3. I would love to meet a neo nazi/ racist/ bigot/ whatever you like to be called. It would be such a great conversation. As a matter of fact, my email is [email protected] and I’m black btw. Cheers!

  4. If these people only know how much browner America would be in 2011… By 2040 the Census predicts white people will be a MINORITY. Are you libtards excited about this prospect?

    • What’s next, people of the wrong color acting civilized and educated? Then who can you feel superior to? I guess there’s always women.

    • I like to think of myself as white and fairly conservative, and I look forward to the day when there is NO majority race in this country.

  5. thanks God !!! we are getting more mix everty day 😉 

  6. thanks God !!! we are getting more mix everty day 😉 

  7. this is a great documentary. that grainy late 70s film quality paired with the stupid quaintness of everyone involved paints a picture that is not at all glamorous or romanticized. these slow-mouthed yokels are left to speak for themselves, and what comes out is more hilarious than frightening in its ignorance. THIS is the master race?

    the film does not at all play into the neo-nazi’s personalities or pasts. their individuality is discounted, as it is in their own ideology. the presenters and crew rarely speak. the film does not fall victim to the usual nazi-related scare tactics, the horrified glorification of the power of death that so many others, both neo-nazis and those who work against them, fall victim to. to compare these neo-nazis to the german national socialists is dangerous and misleading. german national socialism was a world power, an atavistic force that threatened the world. these people are just a convention of rednecks and disaffected white people in cohacta, michigan.

  8. this is a great documentary. that grainy late 70s film quality paired with the stupid quaintness of everyone involved paints a picture that is not at all glamorous or romanticized. these slow-mouthed yokels are left to speak for themselves, and what comes out is more hilarious than frightening in its ignorance. THIS is the master race?

    the film does not at all play into the neo-nazi’s personalities or pasts. their individuality is discounted, as it is in their own ideology. the presenters and crew rarely speak. the film does not fall victim to the usual nazi-related scare tactics, the horrified glorification of the power of death that so many others, both neo-nazis and those who work against them, fall victim to. to compare these neo-nazis to the german national socialists is dangerous and misleading. german national socialism was a world power, an atavistic force that threatened the world. these people are just a convention of rednecks and disaffected white people in cohacta, michigan.

  9. this is a great documentary. that grainy late 70s film quality paired with the stupid quaintness of everyone involved paints a picture that is not at all glamorous or romanticized. these slow-mouthed yokels are left to speak for themselves, and what comes out is more hilarious than frightening in its ignorance. THIS is the master race?

    the film does not at all play into the neo-nazi’s personalities or pasts. their individuality is discounted, as it is in their own ideology. the presenters and crew rarely speak. the film does not fall victim to the usual nazi-related scare tactics, the horrified glorification of the power of death that so many others, both neo-nazis and those who work against them, fall victim to. to compare these neo-nazis to the german national socialists is dangerous and misleading. german national socialism was a world power, an atavistic force that threatened the world. these people are just a convention of rednecks and disaffected white people in cohacta, michigan.

  10. plus this is about class struggle , they should all become bolsheviks!
    its coz these retard rednecks see how the jews and non whites have done so well for themselves , and souddenly this huge jealousy hits them as if their entitled to a jew or a hispanics job because its thier country….. no fucktard you need to work to do well and be succesfful its not jews faults if they work hard and its not the blacks faults if ur all lazy cunts
    supremacists of any kind need to stfu coz if you think your better than some1 else bcasue of who you are , then thats a pretty good sign to show your not!

    • Over 30 million people died in the “Soviet Union”, ethnic White Russians, White Ukrainians, White Belorussians and White Baltics were murdered by the “Bolsheviks”. The “revolution” was hardly Russian in any way.:

      Concerning the Jews and Communism
      Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State. . .
      There Were in 1918-1919:
      457 Jews
      …But Only…
      17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans,
      1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Karaim
      Here are the research statistics from the published historical studies in detail…
      “Last Days of the Romanovs,” by Robert Wilton, T. Butterworth/London/1920, George H. Doran Publishers/New York/1920, Institute for Historical Review/Virginia Beach CA/2nd Printing 1996, pp. 184-185 — According to the data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State. . . there were in 1918-1919, 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Karaim, 457 Jews.

      (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XIII, p. 912) — “In 1907, May 13 thru June 1, a fifth Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was held, this time in London. This was the last one held before the 1917 revolution in Czarist Russia. Present: The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin—91 delegates [mostly Jews] The Mensheviks, led by Martov and Dan [JEWS] — 89 delegates The Polish Social Democrats, led by Rosa Luxemborg [JEW] — 44 delegates The Jewish Bund, led by Rafael Abramovitch and M.I. Lieber [JEWS)—55 delegates. The Lettish Social Democrats, led by ‘Comrade Herman’ Danishevsky Lenin [JEW] appeared on the scene, after an absence of nine years.”

      “The Surrender of an Empire,” Nesta H. Webster, Boswell Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd., 10 Essex St., London, W.C.2, 1931, p. 77 — The Germans, not realizing that he would be anything more than a trouble maker for their World War I enemy, Russia, passed him and his party (exact number disputed — about 200?) In a sealed train from Switzerland to the Russian border. In Lenin’s sealed train, “Out of a list of 165 names published, 23 are Russian, 3 Georgian, 4 Armenian, 1 German, and 128 Jewish.”

      “The Surrender of an Empire,” Nesta H. Webster, Boswell Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd., 10 Essex St., London, W.C.2, 1931, p. 73 — T”At about the same time, Trotsky arrived from the United States, followed by over 300 Jews from the East End of New York and joined up with the Bolshevik Party”.

      Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, p. 668 — Thus under Lenin, whose birth-name was Ulianov and whose racial antecedents are uncertain, and under Leon Trotsky, a Jew, whose birth -name was Bronstein, a small number of highly trained Jews from abroad, along with Russian Judaized Khazan and non-Jewish captives to the Marxian ideology, were able to make themselves masters of Russia. “Individual revolutionary leaders and Sverdlov — played a conspicuous part in the revolution of November, 1917, which enabled the Bolshevists to take possession of the state apparatus”.

      [Archivist’s and Librarian’s Notations.] Here and there in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia other Jews are named as co-founders of Russian Communism, but not Lenin and Stalin. Both of these, however, are said by some writers to be half-Jewish. In addition, Stalin was married to a Jewish lady, whose husband, Lazar Kaganovich murdered 35 million Christians and burned down cathedrals, publishing statements of note in Russian newspapers about the new world he was creating by doing this. Whatever the racial antecedents of their top men, the first Soviet commissariats were largely staffed with Jews and the Commissar of Commissars was Leon Trotsky [real name “Bronstein”], a radical, atheist Jew who spent time while exiled from Russia in New York City with hundreds of other active, radical socialist/communist Jews from the Eastern European Pale. The Jewish position in the Communist movement was well understood in Russia.

      Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 336 — “The White Armies which opposed the Bolshevik government linked Jews and Bolsheviks as common enemies”.

      Those interested in the ratio of Jews to others in the government in the early days of Communist rule in Russia should, if possible, see Les derniers jours des Romanof (The Last Days of the Romanovs) by Robert Wilton, long the Russian correspondent of the London Times quoted above and below.

      A summary of its vital passages is included in the “Foreword to Third Edition” of The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World (Brown and Nolan , Limited Waterford, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, London, 1939, 1947) by Rev. Dinis Fahey, a well-known Irish professor of philosophy and Church history. Professor Fahey gives names and nationality of the members of the Council of Peoples Commissars, the Central Executive Committee, and the Extraordinary Commissions, and in summary quotes from Wilton.

      “Last Days of the Romanovs,” by Robert Wilton, T. Butterworth/London/1920, George H. Doran Publishers/New York/1920, Institute for Historical Review/Virginia Beach CA/2nd Printing 1996, pp. 184-185 — According to the data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State. . . there were in 1918-1919, 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Karaim, 457 Jews.

  11. i mean honestly forget the fact that these people are retards beyond help and in my opinion should be lynched and gas to see how funny and popular it is to make fun of the holocaust and lynching……
    if thiz “Zog” is all powerful and all knowing , im pretty fuckin sure it wouldnt allow any resistance to pop up … these people would be dead and no one would know about it …. plus im a jew and ive heard nothing of this zog… i want in 🙂

  12. I don’t hate Jews, but I hate blacks and am proud to be white.

    • well im a jew and if you hate anyone because their not white your a retard who probably failed at life and ended up a janitor taking all his anger out on the system and the non whites to make up for your innhability to do anything in your life apart from sulk and bitch …go on keep making excuses you lil bitch

  13. Wow amerika is such a great country

  14. Wow amerika is such a great country

  15. That was fucking hilarious. Even better: The comments I enjoyed reading afterwards. I am German,  coming from a family with both a nazi and a victim history.  I also had the opportunity to learn from real historic documents like war diaries, photos, war souvenirs as well as from good teachers what it means to be human and what makes us different from another. I am fucking glad that there is diversity within the human species and that we are not all the same. Come to Germany – I’ll show you everything about neo-national socialism and us the majority of people who laugh at them (or even fight them illegally). Good night, gonna watch some hot latina porn flicks now.

  16. That was fucking hilarious. Even better: The comments I enjoyed reading afterwards. I am German,  coming from a family with both a nazi and a victim history.  I also had the opportunity to learn from real historic documents like war diaries, photos, war souvenirs as well as from good teachers what it means to be human and what makes us different from another. I am fucking glad that there is diversity within the human species and that we are not all the same. Come to Germany – I’ll show you everything about neo-national socialism and us the majority of people who laugh at them (or even fight them illegally). Good night, gonna watch some hot latina porn flicks now.

  17. i was raised extremely racist. And i mean, racist. Then, one day after researching our family genes and history, i found out i was spanish!! My parents were……not thrilled. But it all came down to we cant help nor choose what we are. And not all of us fit a stereotype. 

    • Spaniards are white.

      If you meant “Hispanic,” as in “New World mestizo”, I find it hard to believe that you had a significant amount of said ancestry and didn’t know it.

      If the Hispanic admixture is not significant, then it was no reason to give up your “racist beliefs.”

      • We spaniards, are a mixture of Mourish, Celtic and Romans, just like anyone else… Blood “purity” it’s a joke. And if anything, the less genetic variation means only you are more susceptible to a plague that wipes you all out.

    • Spaniards are white.

      If you meant “Hispanic,” as in “New World mestizo”, I find it hard to believe that you had a significant amount of said ancestry and didn’t know it.

      If the Hispanic admixture is not significant, then it was no reason to give up your “racist beliefs.”

  18. i was raised extremely racist. And i mean, racist. Then, one day after researching our family genes and history, i found out i was spanish!! My parents were……not thrilled. But it all came down to we cant help nor choose what we are. And not all of us fit a stereotype. 

  19. I love this kind of thing its so entertaining watching people with absolutely no logic, I would be slightly scared of these people but fortunately they are completely outnumbered by the more intelligent portion the human population.

  20. I love this kind of thing its so entertaining watching people with absolutely no logic, I would be slightly scared of these people but fortunately they are completely outnumbered by the more intelligent portion the human population.

  21. I love this kind of thing its so entertaining watching people with absolutely no logic, I would be slightly scared of these people but fortunately they are completely outnumbered by the more intelligent portion the human population.

  22. What a bunch of clowns. They’re scared of preaching that shit as individuals, but find some kind of power to start yapping bullshit in closed groups. Fun fact, these idiots attack each other more than anyone else.

  23. What a bunch of clowns. They’re scared of preaching that shit as individuals, but find some kind of power to start yapping bullshit in closed groups. Fun fact, these idiots attack each other more than anyone else.

  24. Love the way they are all dressed in black uniforms and shouting ‘white power’

  25. Why the feck is the St. Andrews flag doing there? Scotland is the least racist country in the world in my opinion.

  26. Why the feck is the St. Andrews flag doing there? Scotland is the least racist country in the world in my opinion.

  27. It takes an intelligence to understand , it takes stupidity to destroy 

  28. Why is it that all racists are so stupid?

    • Some people were simply raised to believe this stuff and will remain ignorant to both science and logic and feed of each others idealogies endlessly.  It’s what fuels their anger/stupidity for more generations to come.  I use ignorance and stupidity in each sentence differently as they fit accordingly in each.  The way I see it, ignorance is not ‘knowing’ and stupidity is choosing ‘not to know’.  This cycle of stupidity has unfortunately been passed down from the beginning of time and unfortunately will most likely continue far longer than the intelligent minds could hope for.  My motto, live and let live.  In the end, they never look smart.

      • Most “racists” arrived at that viewpoint after living around non-whites.

        Southern US whites have a history of “racism” because they know better than anyone else that blacks, on the whole, are unintelligent and violent, and will bring destruction unless restrained on a society-wide level.

        Urban ethnic whites in northern US states also tend to be quite “racist,” because they’ve experienced first-hand the physical and fiscal destruction that accompanies any significant presence of blacks and “Latinos”.

      • Most “racists” arrived at that viewpoint after living around non-whites.

        Southern US whites have a history of “racism” because they know better than anyone else that blacks, on the whole, are unintelligent and violent, and will bring destruction unless restrained on a society-wide level.

        Urban ethnic whites in northern US states also tend to be quite “racist,” because they’ve experienced first-hand the physical and fiscal destruction that accompanies any significant presence of blacks and “Latinos”.

      • Most “racists” arrived at that viewpoint after living around non-whites.

        Southern US whites have a history of “racism” because they know better than anyone else that blacks, on the whole, are unintelligent and violent, and will bring destruction unless restrained on a society-wide level.

        Urban ethnic whites in northern US states also tend to be quite “racist,” because they’ve experienced first-hand the physical and fiscal destruction that accompanies any significant presence of blacks and “Latinos”.

        • Does this mean sir, that the blacks raised in southern USA, during segregation have a right to hate whites because they know first hand what they are capable of?   Are you so blinded by prejudice that you can no longer think logically?

          It was a black scientist in the United States which discovered plasma, he was unintelligent?   Morgan Freeman, Daniel Washington and President Obama, unintelligent? They only have to open their mouths and it is clear they are intelligent men.

          I am white and i  have lived in heavily black and Latino populated area, had friends of both races and did not see any great difference but skin tone.
           Lynching was not violent?  Killing of Emmet Till, not violent?
          Attacking The freedom Riders in 1961 and trying to burn them to death, not violent? It sounds like the blacks have more to fear from you, sir, then you do them.
          Give me a break your stero typing does not pan out with history.

        • you are a fucking idiot.

    • and ugly … the ignorance corrupts our inherent aesthetics

  29. shows how dumb these people are they fought against the nazis and the citizens now think they should follow in the nazii ideologies,same as the polish the unintelligent polaks that they have an increasing number of nazis as they got the shit kicked out of them by the NAZIS

  30. They must have pooped themselves over Obama. 

    • In fact, recruitment and many inquirys were made right after the election.

      What is so wrong with loving your own people and heritage?

      • Nothing, the problem comes with trying to eliminate and otherwise interfere with other people and their heritage… Its called war.

  31. They must have pooped themselves over Obama. 

  32. Wow~this mass of blatant ignorance makes me mourn for humanity.

  33. when will people realize race doesn’t exist. Just culture.

  34. when will people realize race doesn’t exist. Just culture.

    • Look at the behavior/culture of Euros, Asians and Africans in their own lands.

      Culture comes from race.

    • Look at the behavior/culture of Euros, Asians and Africans in their own lands.

      Culture comes from race.

      • This is like asking which came first, the egg or the chicken. In the end it doesn’t matter. We’re all stuck on this same planet so we have to get along with each other, preferably sharing ideas and innovations. Modern technology is finally able to bring people together from all around the world. It’s a great opportunity for individuals to put things in a more global perspective. Insecure and ignorant people who still think that skin color is important are missing the chance of learning new things. 

  35. First!

    Race doesn’t matter. If there was only white people I guarantee there would still be plenty who would piss you off.

    • Nothing matters more than race.

      Whites pissing me off would just be a nuisance. I don’t care for most people, and I deal with it. That’s life.

      The presence of non-whites, particularly blacks and mestizos, is far from being just a nuisance. It’s destructive in every way imaginable.

      • You’re horribly ignorant.  Please see to it that you’re sterilized.  Thank you.

      • Science has told us over the past 3 decades, though genetics and biology, that we as a species are identical regardless of individual or sub-group adaptations such as height, skin pigmentation, and body shape.  If it had been more beneficial to be green where your ancestors lived, you’d be green.  Preserving that green-ness would not be an exercise in moral policing, but in fact a detriment to your decedents  depriving them of genetic diversity.  

        On your educational level I’d explain it by saying eventually, you’ll be fucking your sister (maybe you already do), and that ain’t good for the babies.You said it yourself Ray, you don’t like people, and I have a sneaking suspicion many people dislike you; which colors your opinion on this matter as well as I bet a million others.  (Get your chocolate off my peanut butter!!!)  You have earned my pity, as I’m sure you’ve done to anyone people whose born witness to your idiocy.

      • Science has told us over the past 3 decades, though genetics and biology, that we as a species are identical regardless of individual or sub-group adaptations such as height, skin pigmentation, and body shape.  If it had been more beneficial to be green where your ancestors lived, you’d be green.  Preserving that green-ness would not be an exercise in moral policing, but in fact a detriment to your decedents  depriving them of genetic diversity.  

        On your educational level I’d explain it by saying eventually, you’ll be fucking your sister (maybe you already do), and that ain’t good for the babies.You said it yourself Ray, you don’t like people, and I have a sneaking suspicion many people dislike you; which colors your opinion on this matter as well as I bet a million others.  (Get your chocolate off my peanut butter!!!)  You have earned my pity, as I’m sure you’ve done to anyone people whose born witness to your idiocy.

        • There is only one ‘tribe’ that suffers from inbreeding. Did you ever wonder why so many jews have Tay-Sachs?

    • Nothing matters more than race.

      Whites pissing me off would just be a nuisance. I don’t care for most people, and I deal with it. That’s life.

      The presence of non-whites, particularly blacks and mestizos, is far from being just a nuisance. It’s destructive in every way imaginable.

  36. First!

    Race doesn’t matter. If there was only white people I guarantee there would still be plenty who would piss you off.