
Prisoners of Katrina

n the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, while thousands fled New Orleans, the city’s prisoners were trapped. Fresh eye-witness accounts reveal what really happened to those left behind, and how crucial forensic evidence was simply washed away. In September 2005, long after most people had fled a devastated city, inmates of Orleans Parish Prison – many of them shackled – were still waiting to be resc

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PT2 Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

Ross Kemp - Battle For The Amazon will look into the socio-economic and environmental pressures facing the Amazon regions of Brazil and Ecuador. The shows will explore the legacy of devastation created by a burgeoning global desire for energy, food and mineral resources.ROSS KEMP comments: "While filming in Nigeria last year, I saw first-hand how much man's greed has cost the environment. By t

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Rare Earth: Earth – The Power of the Planet

In this landmark BBC series, Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how our planet works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it came to be the remarkable planet it is today. Examining the great forces that shape the earth - volcanoes, the ocean, the atmosphere and ice - the programme explores their central roles in our planet's story. How do these forces affect the earth's landscape, its cl

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Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

Ross Kemp - Battle For The Amazon will look into the socio-economic and environmental pressures facing the Amazon regions of Brazil and Ecuador. The shows will explore the legacy of devastation created by a burgeoning global desire for energy, food and mineral resources.ROSS KEMP comments: "While filming in Nigeria last year, I saw first-hand how much man's greed has cost the environment. By t

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Science Under Attack

Nobel Prize winner Sir Paul Nurse examines why science appears to be under attack, and why public trust in key scientific theories has been eroded – from the theory that man-made climate change is warming our planet, to the safety of GM food, or that HIV causes AIDS.He interviews scientists and campaigners from both sides of the climate change debate, and travels to New York to meet Tony, who ha

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Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis

Shift is a journey. In an ever worsening natural world we feel that inaction is not an option. We’re not claiming to be climate scientist or journalist trying to tell a plain story, just a brother and sister out to see what all the fuss is about. We accept, and thus firmly believe, that climate change is real, man caused, and a horribly big mess. Our goals are really two fold, one to educate peopl

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Sinkholes: Buried Alive

They can occur suddenly and catastrophically, they have swallowed cars, animals and people. They have destroyed homes and few an unlucky few have become graves. These are sinkholes, all across the globe enormous sinkholes have cracked the earths surface like an egg shell devouring every type of terrain with a destructive force that defies imagination. In Louisiana a 40 acer monster has been consum

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Snowball Earth

There is a theory that was once considered to be quite controversial, so much so that scientists labeled it absurd. It claimed that for millions of years the our planet Earth was covered entirely by ice, every inch smothered by nearly a one kilometre thick sheet. The temperatures would have been -40ºC all over, even in the tropic regions located along the equator. If this was indeed

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Somerset: After the Floods

Moorland, Somerset, an English village like any other. But last year this quite ordinary place had an extraordinary experience. It was the wettest winter in 250 years. Storms brought misery to large parts of the country, but nowhere was hit worse hit than the Somerset Levels. In the space of 24 hours a lot of people from the area lost everything, their homes and lives were washed away.The area

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