Human, All Too Human is a three-part 1999 documentary television series produced by the BBC. It follows the lives of three prominent philosophers; Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre. The theme of this documentary revolves heavily around the school of philosophical thought known as existentialism, although the term had not been coined at the time of Nietzsche’s writing, and
A fascinating account of a relatively unknown piece of political history. Before the Iraq war and the Bush Administration, there was John Lennon, who used his fame and fortune to protest the Vietnam War and advocate world peace. This documentary is the compelling true story of how and why the U.S. Government tried to silence him, and the events that transformed him from a beloved musical artist in
Charles Manson, (aka Charles Milles Maddox), the self-proclaimed “Messiah” who presided over a commune-style group known as the “Manson Family” was convicted in 1971 in California in a trial covering a total of 27 count indictments against he and members of the ‘family’ for the murders of seven persons, including actress Sharon Tate, (who was pregnant at the time of the murder), coffee heiress Abi
Bruce Lee was inarguably the greatest martial arts star of his generation, and his intense on-screen charisma and astounding fighting skills make him the standard by which other martial arts heroes are measured.Bruce Lee: A Warrior’s Journey is a documentary about Lee’s life, career, and untimely death, which uses rare behind-the-scenes footage to paint a portrait of both the star the world knew
An anonymous woman, covered from head to toe in a blue burka, is dragged across a football pitch and shot in front of 30,000 spectators. This haunting image of Taliban justice was filmed secretly in Channel 4’s award-winning documentary Beneath the Veil broadcast in June 2001. The woman was Zarmina, 35-year-old mother of seven. In a new Dispatches film, Lifting the Veil, Carla Garapedian went to A
The psyche is the greatest of all cosmic wonders and the “sine qua non” of the world as an object. It is in the highest degree odd that Western man, with but very few – and ever fewer – exceptions, apparently pays so little regard to this fact. Swamped by the knowledge of external objects, the subject of all knowledge has been temporarily eclipsed to the point of seeming nonexistence. Matter of He
On January 20th, 1993, William Jefferson Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States. At the time, most Americans were not aware of the extent of Clinton’s criminal background, nor were they aware of the media blackout which kept this information from the public. As State Attorney General and later, Governor, Bill Clinton in twelve years achieved absolute control over the political, leg
Those looking for historical details, insights, and heartfelt testimonials from family, friends, music industry royalty, and fellow musicians will be greatly satisfied with Jimi Hendrix: The Uncut Story. One would obviously expect a documentary spanning Hendrix's life and career to include the most important facet of the man: his music and him performing that music live. However, The Uncut Story h
This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went virtually unnoticed for nearly a century. Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the most mysterious and controversial scientists in history. How did this obscure visionary from what is now Yugoslavia lay the foundation for modern communications and energy research?Nikola Te