
Beyond Me

From the author: This is a documentary I’ve produced that is about consciousness, evolution and instincts.Sor far, I’m receiving one of two different reactions to this film. There’s not a lot of middle ground. It’s either,A) I love the way you’ve weaved this together seamlessly in a way that makes perfect sense, andB) I hate to be rude but this doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Wh

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The Pirate Bay: Away from Keyboard

This is a documentary about the largest and the most famous torrent website in the world – The Pirate Bay – and the story behind it.It’s the day before the trial starts. Fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old Volvo. Along with his Pirate Bay co-founders, he faces $13 million in damage claims to Hollywood in a copyright infringement case. Fredrik is on his way to install a new computer in t

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Only in America: Hillbilly Country

Larry gets deep in the muddy banks of South Carolina as he uncovers the messy world of oyster harvesting; discovers the survival skills of an American family that has been there for over 250 years; and turns a routine stop on Interstate 80 into a mission to find out what is special in the tiny town of Wells, Nevada.

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FluorideGate: An American Tragedy

FLUORIDEGATE the movie is a new documentary film that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially small children, who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain, the outcome is crystal clear: it is destroying o

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The Other Side of Jimmy Savile

Former detective Mark Williams-Thomas conducts an investigation into allegations that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable teenage girls.That Jimmy Savile fancied young girls is beyond doubt. He never married, and colleagues say he simply wasn't interested in women over 20. As long ago as 2000, Louis Theroux was publicly raising the possibility that the shell-suited entertainer might be a

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Ran Out of Oil

Our contemporary world is so dependent on technology fueled by oil, and yet oil will not last forever. How will the world change and how will people adapt as food disappears, electrical power fails? Witness the devastation in major cities as winter sets in. What will be more important to our survival; the technology to develop new sources of energy, or a change to a more sustainable way of life?

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Reconnecting: A Digital Divide

Through stories from nine community access (C@P) sites in the Halifax region, this documentary explores digital divides and the value and ever-changing potential of community access to the Internet and information technology. A video I produced last year. All footage is creative commons and I have the rights to publish this movie online

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Hands In The Mist

A short documentary in collaboration with the Latin American NGO, Un Techo para mi Pais and its Innovation Center. The film follows the Designmatters Safe Agua Peru project, in which Art Center students co-created innovative design solutions to overcome water poverty with families living in Cerro Verde, a 30,000-person slum [asentamientos] perched on the hillsides surrounding Lima, Peru.Direct

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Gunsmoke: USA

An ongoing source of controversy in America, gun laws are increasingly polarizing the Southern states and Washington. In Arizona, Tea Party supporting, heavily armed, vigilante groups are taking over. “The one thing we know about gun control is that it has never provided security”, argues former Arizona sheriff and local hero, Richard Mack.Despite the recent massacres, the majority still supp

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