ANIMA from Dominoes Falling Productions, is a feature length documentary using a collaboration of various material. The film examines our relationships with ourselves, others and the environment around us. Other themes include our creativity and our power as individuals and as a collective to manifest our own·i·ma [an´ĭ-mә] The Latin translation of the Greek word 'psyche'. 1. The
Stacey Dooley explores the issue underage sex trafficking in Cambodia, investigating how thousands of young girls are being sold into sexual slavery often by those they trust the most, their family. She confronts the problem head on as she joins the police on raids to shut down brothels and learns the harsh realities for girls who are trafficked and abused in the sex industry
John Rogers' film looks at the city we deny and the future city that awaits us. Leading London writers and cultural commentators Will Self, Iain Sinclair and Russell Brand explore the importance of the liminal spaces at the city's fringe, its Edgelands, through the work of enigmatic and downright eccentric writer and researcher Nick Papadimitriou - a man whose life is dedicated to exploring and ar
Lanfranchi's Memorial Discotheque was Sydney's favourite artist-run space, situated on the second level of an inner city warehouse. Lanfranchi's doubled as a residence and unauthorised performance venue for five years, growing from unlikely beginnings to become what director Neil Armfield (Candy, Belvoir St Theatre) described as a 'major strand of our city's cultural DNA'. The decaying warehouse h
Dateline NBC search for the legendary underground ecstasy chemist, known only as "Strike". The Dateline crew pick up on the trail left by a group of reckless foolish students and Strike himself, which leads directly to a man named Hobart Huson, who subsequently reveals himself to be Strike.
Unruly teenagers are sent abroad to live with strict families in an experiment to find out the right way to bring up a child. These series document the journey of unruly teens from different families as they are forced to adapt to the rules and regulations of very strict host parents. Living under different standards from their families back home, the misbehaving teens will be subject to punishmen
This fascinating German documentary explores the bizarre life story of Ted Kaczynski, using it as a prism for the often unexamined history of the Internet. Director Lutz Dammbeck takes an unorthodox approach to the material, speculating about the darker side of technological innovation, and touching on subjects as diverse as terrorism, the CIA, acid, Ken Kesey, and utopianism.
This is a short 10 minute documentary surrounding Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. The Content involves what is at the moment is happening with Julian Assange, what he and WikiLeaks are about and the evidence of american correspondants going crazy when such documents like 'Collateral Murder' gets released.
"This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy." —Adam Curtis' introduction to the first episode.Part 1-Happiness Machines: Part one documents the story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays who invented 'Public Relations' in the 1920s, being the first person to