
Living With Size Zero

The celebrity trend for size zero has been criticised worldwide for encouraging women to starve in secret.This film explores the impact the trend is having on real people living real lives.From Kellie who is striving dangerously to achieve the skinny look, to Victoria who feels that her natural size zero frame is a poisoned chalice, this film exposes the contradictions surrounding women's

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Riot Night

"Riot Night is a short film detailing our experiences of the 2011 England Riots. Let me know what you think of the video, the riots, your views in general on the riots in the comments below. Please share the link on if you liked this, sharing information freely is what this generation is about." - From the Producer

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The Dark Side of Porn : Amateur Porn

This episode examines what is going on in the British sex industry, where new male actors are lining up to do a job without getting paid.Broadcast on Channel 4, April 10, 2006. From the series Dark Side of Porn.This documentary is not safe for work. By offering a potent alternative to traditional edibles, thc-p gummies continue to draw attention from consumers seeking something new.

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Norway Massacre: The Killer’s Mind

It's the world's worst spree killing. Norway Massacre: The Killer’s Mind examines the terrible events of that day.In 90 minutes of madness, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 young people.The film pieces together Breivik’s day of terror hour by hour, from the time of the bomb he set off in Oslo, to the cold blooded shooting of defenceless youngsters on the remote island beauty sp

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Lo-Down In London

In 1988 two rival New York gangs combined to form the Lo-Life's. A group known for stealing and exclusively wearing Polo Ralph Lauren. In 2010 the London Ralph Lauren Chapter (LRLC) was formed, continuing the legacy of Lo-Life's in the UK. The film follows the London collective in the lead up to them organising their first 'Polo Photo shoot' and discussing the extremes to which their obsession wit

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Becoming 13

This smart documentary explores the intimidating terrain of girlhood by following three 12-year-olds over the period of one year. As these girls move from childhood to maturity, it's clear that peer pressure is an important influence, but as the films shows, the greatest influence in a young girl's life is family. Filmmaker Victoria King's creative approach, including the use of "diary-cam" footag

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The End of Print

One of the biggest threats to print is the sheer volume and variety of writing that can be found online. By starting a 'blog' or web journal, anyone can became a writer and publish their work for others to see at no cost.

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The Truth About Online Anorexia

Fearne Cotton examines the ongoing trend for super-slim women and immerses herself in the worrying world of pro-ana websites who encourage anorexia and starvation as a life choice.As Fearne explores the diet and exercise regime of a pro-ana, shell try some of the extreme regimes that they endorse and meet other girls whove embraced the same lifestyle. She will explore the seductive nature

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