
I Knew Bin Laden

On May 2, 2011, Barack Obama, the US president, announced that Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader, was shot dead in a raid by US special forces on a compound about 60km north of Islamabad, Pakistan's capitall The death of bin Laden ends a ten-year manhunt for the world's most wanted man.Before his death, the last known sighting of bin Laden by anyone other than his very close entourage was

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For The Next Generation

A film aiming to inspire positive change in a time that is very difficult for many across the planet, and to spread awareness of some serious challenges that lie ahead.Question everything, including this.Instead of reading a description to this film to find out what it's about, watch it!'Better the pain of awareness than the agony of self-betrayal.'

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Into The Fire

World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.

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Cocaine Submarines

Colombian drug traffickers are using a new secret weapon to smuggle cocaine north – drug submarines.Up to 30 meters long and nearly impossible to detect, they are capable of distributing several tons of coke in just one shipment.Dozens of subs are thought to be in operation between the coasts of Colombia and Mexico, and law enforcement estimates that another 70 will be built in the next ye

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An Inconvenient Death

For those who enjoyed the documentaries: "Capitalism: a love story" and "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room" comes a middle class take on the economic collapse. "An Inconvenient Death" documents the death of the American working class and the catastrophic debt that is crushing American society. From the creator of "World`s Best Crap".

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Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth

This short documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of Fluoride and reveals Fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water. The documentary will conclude by delivering the "hard to swallow truth" of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually

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Madeleine Was Here

How do the McCanns deal with the pain of not knowing what has happened to their daughter? And how do they try to create a normal life for the sake of Madeleine’s brother and sister, four-year-old twins Sean and Amelie?With the search now shelved by the Portuguese police – and no officers in Portugal or the UK dedicated to the case – the investigators (former police officers from the UK) speak ab

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