Beth Thomas, once labeled “The Child Of Rage” by HBO, tells the story of her healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder in a powerful story you will never forget! Beth’s story of hope and healing will touch your life forever.

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why do almost all the comment on this doc site double submit?
first time watching this
This was hard to watch because of what Beth saying to the psychiatrist. Very shocking stuff. I couldn’t have raised her for five minutes! Her adoptive parents are saints. I wonder how her poor little brother made out.
Beth is now a registered nurse and a public speaker. You can read more about her by googling “Beth Thomas” and “Nancy Thomas”.
The synopsis makes it sound like we will meet the now adult Beth. This is not what is in this doc.
The synopsis makes it sound like we will meet the now adult Beth. This is not what is in this doc.
The synopsis makes it sound like we will meet the now adult Beth. This is not what is in this doc.
What is she doing now?
shes a nurse i think :/
What is she doing now?
I watched this with my soon-to-be husband. His first reaction was, “And that’s why I don’t want to adopt.” For me, the reaction is the opposite. Children like this desperately need a family who will not only want to help, but have the resources to do so. If Beth hadn’t gotten such loving, caring parents, she very likely would have bounced from foster home to foster home until she hurt or killed someone and ended up in juvenile detention. With her adoptive parents, she was able to get the help she needed and become a beautiful, sweet child and a member of society.
I watched this with my soon-to-be husband. His first reaction was, “And that’s why I don’t want to adopt.” For me, the reaction is the opposite. Children like this desperately need a family who will not only want to help, but have the resources to do so. If Beth hadn’t gotten such loving, caring parents, she very likely would have bounced from foster home to foster home until she hurt or killed someone and ended up in juvenile detention. With her adoptive parents, she was able to get the help she needed and become a beautiful, sweet child and a member of society.