David Icke, was born in Leicester, England on April 29, 1952. As a young child he always wanted to become a football player when he was older. His dream became a reality when he left school to play football in the English league as a goalkeeper. Due to arthritis that became increasingly worse Icke was forced to eventually give up the game and move into a new career at the age of 21.
David became a reporter with a local newspaper in Leicester and eventually went on to become a sports presenter for BBC South’s Program “South Today”. David Icke went on a news presenter until 1988 when he joined the Green Party to become the national media spokesperson. During this time Icke started to become more and more spiritually involved and began experiencing contact with the spirit world. He was later banned from speaking on the Green Party’s behalf in 1990 for telling them about a message he received from the spirit world.
One of David Icke’s most controversial subjects is that of the world being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from the constellation Draco. David explains these beings as walking upright like humans and living not only on the planets they come from, but also underground in tunnels and caverns in the earth. Icke also explains how they have crossbred with humans which created “hybrids” who are possessed by the full-blooded reptilians. This hybrid DNA gives these reptilians the ability to shape-shift from reptilian to human form, granted they have consumed human blood. Icke believes this group includes many of the Global Elites such as George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair to name a few. David claims that these people are either themselves reptilians or work for the reptilians.
The idea that the planet is ruled by a covert, extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from the constellation Draco is among David Icke’s most contentious topics. | atlanta masonry
judging by some comments, bobjane for instance there are still bellends around
Go back to sleep, citizen. You are all loons. Especially those who believe that what the propaganda press and media tells them is anything close to objective reality.
As a Greek philosopher once said, “Earth is the insane asylum of the Universe.”
No (the answer to the title of this doco)
Still think that….???lol?
david icke and alex jones would get on like a house on fire
Why does everyone in the us act like alex jones is a crackpot?
WOW! I just finished watching the new spiderman movie… First off what a low budget piece of garbage that was, Secondly whether you agree with the rantings of Mr. Icke or not, it is pretty obvious that “the powers that be” have no problem reinforcing this whole reptilian agenda. Just so happens that with all this hype about 2012, the olympics, alien giants and reptilians. That major hollywood pictures would jump on the band wagon to try to amplify our paranoia. Now I can’t offer proof of 911, aliens, reptiles, terorists, niribu, or any of the other theories that are floating around the internt. But what I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that ” those pulling the strings” Are benefitting substanially by perpetuating rumors of armegeddon and any other chupacobra style scenarios that “Joe Public” can imagine. This should lead us to ask ourselves the question… Why is our government, hollywood, music industry, media, all spending so much money, time and man power to decieve it’s people? I look at this question somewhat as I look at religion… Does it really matter who’s myths are correct, whether they be Allah, AmenRa, Jehova, John Smith. Aliens, reptiles, terrorists, niburu, new world order. I believe the answer to the question is less about getting all the facts right, and pulling back the curtain so that we can view the full picture, NO, the answer to the question is that we Know we are being lied to, we Know we are bieng poisoned, we know that there is someone behind the curtain… so lets stop bickering about why he’s back there and figure out what we are going to do about it.
his head is wasted? 🙂
Yes he was……..people should get off there high horse and listen to whats going on around them, being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race is a ”METAPHOR”. We need to wake up and pull together. Ive never heard about this man before or heard anything he said, but what hes saying is being spoken of in more ways than one by many millions of people around the world, we are the 99%, join us in making this world whole, stand up and be heard, stand up and be counted, stand up and make a difference, stand up……………..x
very good man, its always nice to see a free mind
…If he was correct, wouldn’t the alien lizards have stopped him before he had a chance to share any of this with us? Just sayin’. : )
The whole intro is also the intro to the song “End of Days” by Vinnie Paz
everyone has an opinion of Icke, no one has ever indicated that he is actually working for the very people he tries to undermine.
Perhaps it is all a double bluff, these maniacs are employing him, he is taking our eye off the real monsters who control our lives by appearing to be a buffoon instead of presenting hard journalistic evidence. They like him to do this, it makes them look human and Icke appears to be a fool
I thought that it started off with some interesting and thought provoking stuff and then BAM, reptilian master race in power.
I thought the last three quarters was boring, he does have some serious and valid points though, might read a book or two of his now.
While I’m not so sure about reptilians, I do find his ideas rather interesting. I only wish people weren’t so dismissive of other peoples ideas with their pig-headedness. You don’t have to agree with everything he says in order to see he speaks a lot of truth.
I think he takes world events and uses them to relate to his audience, be it of a cover up or conspiracy nature, and indeed, he is a very good speaker, of that there is little doubt, but he then uses the support and trust gained by this, to unravel what can only be described as madness and fantasy, which clearly have there roots in his own earlier works and that of people such as Madame Blavatsky and others. He is clearly a bit paranoid and delusional to a degree, but good on him for not choosing to get help with Phyciatrists who are far more insane. If only he would abandon his radical ideas, he would be a good advocate for the people, and an increasingly oppressive society.
So you know more than he does, do you? You obviously must do, if you believe him to live in a fantasy world with too radical ideas. What qualifies you to undermine him?
he allready said it, u dont hve to believe him, just try to live long enough ( beside all the drugs and false flag terrorist attacks ) and u WILL see, 9/11 ( couple ragheads out-do the CIA the FBI and what not, yeah right ) , iraq ( what this had to do with bin laden? ), afghanistan, north africa now.
wait and see…
the queen drinks blood and her husband injects heroin into his groin
not enough reptile people
I don’t agree with everything he says, but a lot of it does make sense.
Only if you are mad.
Or open minded. You never know really. I always keep myself open to “what if?”
You have the ancient sumerians talk of such strange beings, and even the concept of Satan in the bible being “the dragon” or “the serpent” which I have found many people (not just Icke) relate to this whole idea of lizard people and whatnot, from even before Icke made it public. It could all be false, but then again there’s a lot of weird shit that goes on in the world, behind the curtains. It’s easy to dismiss something that sounds like fantasy but 200 years ago if you were to describe an airplane or gene splicing to somebody, they’d call you mad.
Santicrow – exactly right. True intelligence is realizing that none of us have a monopoly on the truth.
The world is not as we are led to believe, whether Icke is mostly right or not. I feel a bit sorry for the “normals” who are so locked into their tv-created faux reality that they think ignorance and blind belief in what the propaganda press and media tells them is wisdom.
There’s been a typo. instead of: “One of David Icke’s most controversial subjects is that of the world
being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from
the constellation Draco.” It shoudlhave been “One of David Icke’s most laughable fantasies is that of the world
being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from
the constellation Draco”
There’s been a typo. instead of: “One of David Icke’s most controversial subjects is that of the world
being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from
the constellation Draco.” It shoudlhave been “One of David Icke’s most laughable fantasies is that of the world
being run by a secretive and extra-dimensional Reptilian alien race from
the constellation Draco”
He’s a loon