Clive Stafford Smith is a British lawyer who has represented American prisoners on Death Row and, more recently, detainees in Guantanamo Bay. In this programme, he reveals the abuses suffered by Guantanamo detainees and talks to experts in the field of torture, including CIA and US Army veterans. The programme examines cases of false confessions extracted under torture, suggesting that torture is useless as well as being repugnant and illegal.

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Fuck Americans!
I guess the difference is that America has yet to learn from there mistakes, hopefully they will one day.
americans are the most stupid peoples living on this planet. they are the biggest terrorist in the history of this world. they just need to study their history what they have done with their own peoples eg indians .
what about england enslaving ireland? what about spain being the first african slave holders? i understand your opinion, and do agree a bit, but you must fairly look at all countries and nationalities to be fair
what about england enslaving ireland? what about spain being the first african slave holders? i understand your opinion, and do agree a bit, but you must fairly look at all countries and nationalities to be fair