
Dispatches: The Killing Zone

While the world’s attention has been fixed on the war in Iraq, Dispatches reporter Sandra Jordan and producer Rodrigo Vasquez risk their lives to reveal the shocking level of daily violence and murderous hate in the Gaza Strip.

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  1. Make your life easier by using our smart map. You don’t need to remember complicated routes or complicated directions anymore mapquest driving directions

  2. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” These words of Jesus in Matthew 5:11 reflect the experience of many Messianic and traditional Christians in Israel today who increasingly find themselves under assault, especially those living in or near orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. Last month, two churches were painted with slogans such as “Jesus is dead” and “Death to Christianity.” Many priests are daily spat upon when walking on the streets in Jerusalem.
    Some 146,000 Christians are living in Israel. More than 90% of them are non-Jewish citizens, while about 10,000 are Messianic believers.
    The oppression of Christians in Israel comes mostly from Ultra-Orthodox Jews; though a minority in the country, the religious group has a major influence.

    In February, several Israeli newspapers had reports on the growing oppression. The spitting is especially a problem for priests and pastors who stand out with their clerical garb. Where these Christians regularly meet Ultra-Orthodox Jews, insulting, spitting and even cursing occurs.

  3. This is absoloutly inasne looking at this makess me want to go to Palestine with a sniper rifle and get some payback !

  4. At 47:00 we see how natural and comfortable the isrsaeli people will lie.
    How can it be God would be so stupid to choose these people among so many better others?

    Perhaps this better explains the monstrosity of the Israeli people…

    There is a large community of Hebrews in Egypt that the Egyptian Govt is uneasy about as the group has deliberately refused to assimilate into the Egyptian way of life, which makes them wonder if the Hebrews might jeopardize the safety of the kingdom to their enemies.

    Pharaoh wants them out.

    Moses is minding the goats. He has run away from Egypt as he murdferered an Egyptian policeman. He is a fugitive.
    Moses notices a burning bush that begins to speak to him.
    “Moses, I am the God of the Hebrews. I want you to lead my people out of Egypt. Go tell them I am waiting here for them.”

    God has been waiting for a Hebrew to leave Egypt for about 400 years as He did not want to go into Egypt, or He was not allowed in Egypt.

    Amazingly, many years before, thousands of Hebrews immigrated to Egypt and not one of them thought of taking God with them. One wonders what religious practice the Hebrews observed during the previous four centurys.

    God gives moses a magic stick to prove to the Hebrews God has sent him as surely only a a God could make a broken branch do real magic.

    As there was a new Pharoah in charge, Moses was no longer a fugitive, and knowing how the Egyptian Govt wanted to be rid of the Hebrews, it seemed an easy task.

    Oddly, though they wanted the Hebrews to leave, for some reason, Pharoah now wanted them to stay. Unbeknownst to any of them, God had made Pharoah’s “heart hard.” (stubborn)

    The Hebrews sneak out one night and cross the Red Sea escaping the Egyptian army. About a week later, the Hebrews are missing the plentiful and modern civilization they just left and begin to openly gripe about the harshness of living in the desert.

    God also begins to question the idea of leading these people through the desert. God decides to kill them all. He will make them walk in circles until all that left Egypt die, that not until only the ones left are those born enroute will He lead them to the Promised Land.

    After scoping out the Land, the new leader (Joshua?) says to God:
    “We noticed that there are people already living here. How can we live here? These people won’t just leave. We would have to force them out—or kill them all. We would need to train ourselves to fight and condition our minds to kill. What do we know about such things? How did You expect we could become a warrior-type people?”

    GOD: “I will teach you. I AM A WARRIOR GOD!”

  5. All Zionist and sympathisers should move to the satanic state of israel … child killers … long live the final solution ….

  6. The IDF killing indiscriminantly and in cold blood
    and this is news to who??
    people who depend on cnn or fox for their daily dose of reality?
    give me a break
    This is a terrorist state at work,supported by a bigger terrorist state and
    the sad thing is that noone seems willing to do anything about it

  7. None of the languages that you natively write allow for proper paragraphs?

    The persecution of jews in the “real” western world away from the massive amounts of sand holy to unrealistic and false gods supports the jews, it supports a society of innovation. Yet for greater part of the last century we have become deeply involved in a jewish-palestine war. The only solution is to create a state in the middle east where the jews are not resonsible in any way for death, where instead of focusing soley on military spending the focus is directed towards providing what the governments of enemy nations cannot. Food, shelter and a forward thinking way of life.

    There is only so much support left in the west. It’s important move away from dependancy on western military power and funding. What happens when our banks do collapse? how easy is it for us to look past ourselves for your cause that has lead us away from our golden era and into religous fanaticalism (on both sides).

    You can wipe them out with WMD’s but the radition cannot be avoided. Humans are all Humans.

  8. I forgot to say a thing about my other commentarys,is that why the fives biggest armys in the world (US,UK,France,Israel,Norway)cant finish with terrorisme in a small continent or country ,like gaza whos not very big???And they are helped by the local army!!BECAUSE THERE,is not just a unfar country with beautifuls peoples,and happy terrorist or dictactors,no thers more…much more…

  9. Horrible violence justified by a god that clearly isn’t there..

    • the palestianans saied the same thing when:-they explode the two twin towers
      -exploded a museum or something like that in UK
      -killed thousand ONU soldiers and american soldiers a year

  10. you dont know anythign about zionists you idiot , everyone points to it as such a bad thing! i am a zionist and proud , it is the belief in our right to a home which you have all denied us for centuries whilst persecuting us worse than anyother in any time before.
    the poor palestinians who rejected the 1948 partition plan which gave them an arab state called palestine which FYI the jews agreed to , are now demanding we give them back what they are owed…. well i tell you over my dead body will i give my land to a person who wants not only to kill israelis but also to kill jews , a government who condones suicide bombings and human shields , you can give me all the anti israel anti zionist replies youw ant , but the reality is you have not served in the idf , you do not live here and you do not see the  reality of it , you swallow the spoonfullls of anti zionist anti semitic propaganda designed to de legitimise the state which has more of a right than any other in the world to be there. not only is this true , but there was never a state of palestine….. before israel there was the ottoman empires control over the land , then the british took it in WWI and the balfour declaration and bam you have israel , there was no palestine. palestine is a name given by the romans to the land itself,  there is no such thing as a “palestinian” they are a mix of jordanians,syrians and lebanese. This concoction created by the former heads of the “palestinian” higherarcy that they are a strong peoples who are defending their land is bullshit. they had no nationalism no flag no national anthem no borders prior to israel, it is once the jews come that they decide to make a fuss , even when we accepted the 1948 partition plan which they rejected , all who watch this documentary good luck keep swallowing this propaganda and you will carry on regurjetating the shit that the western adn arab media want you to , how about you do your own research and try look at both sides of the argument before you are so quick to attack the Zionists….

  11. Sad documentary… They are doing the same thing the Germans did to them in WW2… Two wrongs don’t make one right…

    • You got a point there ,but you need to see that the germans killed over 2 millions peoples because they werent ARIANS ,in this case israel is defending his own country just like others countries,the only country that is in“PEACE´´ with israel, is lebanon ,because they didnt attack israel,but egypt,syrie,gaza,and others ,are attacking israel under thems god name,because israel is not “well´´placed,there is a important place for the three big religions…So of course sometimes is not good but when gaza send rockets into israeliens buildings,there is no documentary..Because its just like in the movies,we need to protect the smaller…

      PS:sorry for my bad english 

    • you dont know anythign about zionists you idiot , everyone points to it as such a bad thing! i am a zionist and proud , it is the belief in our right to a home which you have all denied us for centuries whilst persecuting us worse than anyother in any time before.
      the poor palestinians who rejected the 1948 partition plan which gave them an arab state called palestine which FYI the jews agreed to , are now demanding we give them back what they are owed…. well i tell you over my dead body will i give my land to a person who wants not only to kill israelis but also to kill jews , a government who condones suicide bombings and human shields , you can give me all the anti israel anti zionist replies youw ant , but the reality is you have not served in the idf , you do not live here and you do not see the  reality of it , you swallow the spoonfullls of anti zionist anti semitic propaganda designed to de legitimise the state which has more of a right than any other in the world to be there. not only is this true , but there was never a state of palestine….. before israel there was the ottoman empires control over the land , then the british took it in WWI and the balfour declaration and bam you have israel , there was no palestine. palestine is a name given by the romans to the land itself,  there is no such thing as a “palestinian” they are a mix of jordanians,syrians and lebanese. This concoction created by the former heads of the “palestinian” higherarcy that they are a strong peoples who are defending their land is bullshit. they had no nationalism no flag no national anthem no borders prior to israel, it is once the jews come that they decide to make a fuss , even when we accepted the 1948 partition plan which they rejected , all who watch this documentary good luck keep swallowing this propaganda and you will carry on regurjetating the shit that the western adn arab media want you to , how about you do your own research and try look at both sides of the argument before you are so quick to attack the Zionists….

  12. fuck the jews !

    • Amen to that. Always follow the money every war every conflict was funded by the satanic Jews. America look almost identical to the conditions Germany was in before Hitler took over. The Jewish allies slaughter 12 million German citizens after the war was so called over. The Jews are the inventors of marixism communism all bad things. They are going to bring down America as well. In all reality they already have

    • hey,are you stupid??? Just because it was israelis army doesnt mean that were jews…you know in Israeli army I have catholics friends who exploded some missils in gaza two and there is some arab guys too,so fuck you and learn more before comment sheats like that

    • you dont know anythign about zionists you idiot , everyone points to it as such a bad thing! i am a zionist and proud , it is the belief in our right to a home which you have all denied us for centuries whilst persecuting us worse than anyother in any time before.
      the poor palestinians who rejected the 1948 partition plan which gave them an arab state called palestine which FYI the jews agreed to , are now demanding we give them back what they are owed…. well i tell you over my dead body will i give my land to a person who wants not only to kill israelis but also to kill jews , a government who condones suicide bombings and human shields , you can give me all the anti israel anti zionist replies youw ant , but the reality is you have not served in the idf , you do not live here and you do not see the  reality of it , you swallow the spoonfullls of anti zionist anti semitic propaganda designed to de legitimise the state which has more of a right than any other in the world to be there. not only is this true , but there was never a state of palestine….. before israel there was the ottoman empires control over the land , then the british took it in WWI and the balfour declaration and bam you have israel , there was no palestine. palestine is a name given by the romans to the land itself,  there is no such thing as a “palestinian” they are a mix of jordanians,syrians and lebanese. This concoction created by the former heads of the “palestinian” higherarcy that they are a strong peoples who are defending their land is bullshit. they had no nationalism no flag no national anthem no borders prior to israel, it is once the jews come that they decide to make a fuss , even when we accepted the 1948 partition plan which they rejected , all who watch this documentary good luck keep swallowing this propaganda and you will carry on regurjetating the shit that the western adn arab media want you to , how about you do your own research and try look at both sides of the argument before you are so quick to attack the Zionists….

  13. You´re probably just another american moron, elvis. These journalist go there for the same reason they go to Iraq or Guantanamo: because innocent civilians are murdered in an intense effort to gain power by spreading hate. Thy belong to hell for what they do.

    • and your a completey naive idiot!
      journalists dont give a fuck about people dying! , media dont give a fuck!
      the only reason you find stuff like this in media is because it is popular
      everyone wants to see the mean old israeli killing the poor innocent palestinan child (far be it from the truth , but no point trying to convince a moron)

      where are the documentaries about uganda , sudan , liberia 
      there is no mainstream media outlet showing REAL problems in the world because guess what….. mindless fucktards like yourself deepthroat and swalloww this bullshit because your too stupid to think for yourselvs

      • if you keep repeating yourself enough even you might start to believe your bullshit, i await your comment but i already now what it will be, because you have made the same comment 3 time, wow you must be realy well educated!.

      • You are totally write,I never saw enny documentary about a “strong´´country not well trated.NO because the people wouldnt like it,it will be a bad picture about the country who cant protcet his one people,but a small country will have a good image,and all the people who are against israel here,if israel isnt a fair countre,why your president help them???When USA start helping israel,the south arabia growed up the level of the is not for money,but its because the whithe house knows the reality.
        And is the same thing for the guys of UK,the gvernement wont send militaris to death without a GOOD reason,so here you can see the tipicals journalist who are against  their governement ..Its the poor and sad throuth.

        Ps:wroted from a brazilian guy who believes in justice

  14. I totally agree with Israeli Army. why the F**k do someone want to go there and get killed. Its apparently a scare strategy employed by Israeli army towards the journalist. Its wasting precious life.

    • Its easy to say that when you are israeli bcause your not in there what about if you are there?all of you jews or zionest your froud of your doing hahaha in the end justice will cameout you murder the son of god and the father has condeme you for what your doing ignorant people you all known that you are squater there in palestine even america know that…..