An undercover investigation into mosques in the UK which are run by organisations whose public faces are presented as moderate but whose preachers condemn democracy and praise the Taliban for killing British soldiers.

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And the hilarious thing is that islam is based on fabels and lies, created by arabs back in 700 AD. Its 2023 now and bit by bit historici and profs have been piecing the inconsistent story of this puzzle together and nothing makes sense. Too much too explain on here but here are 2 links with facts (YouTube) ;
Wahhabism and Salafism are much closer to the Islam of the Qur’an, Sira and Ahadith than the incomplete and ‘soft’ Islam presented by the academics in this programme. It is Islam. Islam is fundamentally opposed to the Liberal Democratic values of the West.
Fortunately Americans are armed and able to defend against these bigots. The UK and Europe have a problem.
Islam is not a religion, but a Corrupt Ideology of Hate, Rape, Theft, Murder and Terrorism onto everyone apart from themselves
Do what I do NEVER buy anything from a muslim shop why help them make money to make bombs ?
great documetary you can see what a disgracefull relegion islam is
Religion? Cult is more like it.
I’m on the side of the Jews… they have a strong military, but seeing their neighbors as aggressive hypocrites. It makes perfect sense. Additionally when the middle eastern countries including Egypt ganged up on Israel and lost (being out numbered and outmatched in terms of military power) who’s side is God really on? Time to know your history…
I’m on the side of the Jews… they have a strong military, but seeing their neighbors as aggressive hypocrites. It makes perfect sense. Additionally when the middle eastern countries including Egypt ganged up on Israel and lost (being out numbered and outmatched in terms of military power) who’s side is God really on? Time to know your history…
Mate your totally off. Accuracy is given in a Mosque. They said it out bluntly.
Mate your totally off. Accuracy is given in a Mosque. They said it out bluntly.
Islam is definetely an peaceful, respectful religion for every one who practices it. This is fraud portrayed by the filthy British media. What a shameful, pitiful thing. such low and transparent propaganda…
It is not propaganda, this was reality. Ofcourse not all Muslims are like this but I hope, I really hope that the good people of your faith stand up against these “evil devils in disguise” because they are tainting all of you. Europe is becoming right wing, way up to the prime ministers, … no more islam, and you know why now. Because of these ‘nice’ fellows here and their very promising and peaceful agenda they seem to have for the people and country they have been welcomed in. Britain is stupid to allow this, … and so was Europe, but not anymore Thank God, Inshallah. I have much respect for religion and the people, but not for these criminals. They are not Muslim, there is nothing holy and sacred about what they stand for, … just pure evil.
Not true there are 164 verses in the Koran telling you to kill people!
The video says different ? I take it you’re a member.
Deny the reality of your filthy paedophile prophet led religion you scumcunt.