

What threads of history bind Manhattan’s Ground Zero to those of Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Or connect sight to truth, games to war, or the silkworm to the drone? What does the United States hold to be the role of science in warfare? How has war historically been waged in Buddhist traditions?

These are some of the topics addressed in Eyewar: 80 minutes of found footage which traces the development of the digital image from the maps of the second century to the screens of the twenty-first, and the uses of the field of cybernetics from Japan in the 1940s to Chile in the 1970s and Iraq in the 1990s.

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  1. Fantastic! In essence, the Jacard loom was finished with us. It’s all very Buddy Holly. google

  2. Excellent ! essentially we where done for with the jacard loom. Its all so Buddy Holly song