This is the story of peasant children, kidnapped by the Salvadorean Army, during the civil war. Those childrens were given or sold for adoptions to parents in Europe and the US. The adoptive parents were told the children were war orphans. More than twenty years later, with the help of “Pro-Busqueda” or (Pro-search) a non profit organization, many parents are finding their, now young adults, and reuniting with them. Many return to see their relatives in El Salvador, speaking other languages than spanish and in the company of their adoptive parents.

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What a beautiful documentary. Such a heartbreaking story of children lost and families still searching. I just cried when the family was able to relieve themselves of their long felt guilt and find they had full forgiveness and also watch to relationships re-bond for life. To see the pain and joy.
I teared like a child watching this documentary. Also a greate anger came over me, thinking about the suffering that these arm stuggles produce.
I teared like a child watching this documentary. Also a greate anger came over me, thinking about the suffering that these arm stuggles produce.