Best know as the outrageously flamboyant frontman for the rock group Queen, Freddie Mercury was undoubtably one of the best singer, songwriters of the twentieth century. Mercury fronted Queen through eighteen albums and helped make the one of the biggest selling rock groups in recording history. Mercury’s performance at 1985’s Live Aid concert has been judged rocks greatest ever and put the personally of the enigmatic Mercury on a list of the greatest singers of all time. How great he could have come however remains a mystery. It was 1987 and a disease was about to infect the world, a silent killer that would take the lives of many, including one of the greatest performers in rock history.

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I can’t speak to the documentary that Jon Allen suggests you watch instead, but I can say this documentary was very touching, and well worth the 45 minutes.
There are no interviews with any of the band members, and no footage of any of the shows. A better documentary on the band from the BBC in two parts is on YouTube
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Links appreciated. The Biography episode on Freddie was specifically about him and not about Queen, so not including more content about the band makes sense.