Future by Design shares the life and far-reaching vision of Jacque Fresco, considered by many to be a modern day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a “generalist” or multi-disciplinarian — a student of many inter-related fields. He is a prolific inventor, having spent his entire life (he is now 90 years old) conceiving of and devising inventions on various scales which entail the use of innovative technology. As a futurist, Jacque is not only a conceptualist and a theoretician, but he is also an engineer and a designer. Written by Gazecki, William

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The background music is WAY too loud. I appreciated Fresco’s ideas as truly innovative and full of potential. I admire his will to improve our society by offering solutions based on his observations and factual knowledge. Hopefully we, the world population, we will enjoy a fair higher level of living some day.
Until the return of Jesus man kind needs some form of problem or we will get bored. all that screams out to me from the video is the slave robots developing some form of glitch and messing everything up.
Fresco’s vision is a right direction for mankind if we want to have a future..If you like his ideas you should join The Venus Project at http://www.filmsforaction.org/Watch/The_11th_Hour/ He also has a lot of lectures on youtube where he shares some of his ideas definitely worth your time 🙂
Technocracy Inc. obviously rubbed off on him; His ideas are just a less well-thought out and unrealistically utopian version of their plans for a better organised society. Still great ideas, just unrealistically utopian.
I don’t really subscribe to this man’s views because:
1. he does not seem to have a rigorous epistemology behind the production of his ideas, which seem to be innovative only in their form (a round car or house does not bring much more development, simply another look and feel);
2. he prescribes a vision to impose on the world rather than interacting with the world. People don’t just take in new ideas because they are new and imposing ideas always creates resistance.
Yet I may simply not understand his work completely.
I would prefer however projects like the Earthship by M. Reynolds, who offers a rigorous and well thought epistemology behind his work, makes it accessible and appealing to the individual who is able to take part in it easily in one’s lifetime. The idea behind of Earthship is not fancy futurism, but a logical and technical application that has a direct impact one one’s lifestyle. Whether the world goes along with this innovation or not does not matter then because, instead of trying to reshape the entire world, Earthship allows each individual to shape one’s piece of world individually. I think it is a strength which I find missing in Fresco’s work.
its a shame a bunch of idiots and companies run the world.. guys like this should be in charge..
Imagine a world where groups of scientists, engineers, designers and more focused on the problems of man and worked to resolve them. This man is well ahead of his time.Â
How can we each work towards a society without war, starvation and crime? This seems like one of the best solutions I’ve been exposed to.Â
Thank you for your amazing work Jacque!!
What a bunch of ignorant hill billies.
What made America rich was the slave labourers, the exact same thing that made the Roman empire, the Chinese empire and the Ottoman empire rich and powerful.
Without the black man America would not have been able to fund their revolution and gain freedom from the colonial powers.
Not to mention, the people who made the Nazi war machine run were also slaves, making shells, etc.
The level of hypocrisy here is really something special…
For those of you who do not have the necessary type of educational background to see this –
This guy clearly picked up an undergraduate level genetics textbook for enough terminology to make this sound scientific, but he also clearly does not have any real understanding of genetics.
I personally think it’s possible that there’s plenty of life out in the universe, and that life possibly spreads by means of panspermia. However, there are a number of things that this documentary is clearly missing.
A – the basic single-celled organisms that are likened to early life on this planet simply don’t have enough DNA to ‘turn on’ human traits; the information to create a human (or any other complex organism) is not contained in all life, but clearly developed.
B – we can show in the lab that the genes of life that has changed in response to different environmental pressures (artificially produced evolution) don’t simply have different genes turned on, but often have different genetic structures altogether.
C – (B) can be seen in humans, as we can trace ethnic heritage by certain genetic markers that are not present in other ethnicities. Not Present. If the genetic information necessary to make certain humans is not present in other humans, how would you expect to find it in algae?
D – Human DNA is, as the documentary states, mostly not expressed (to our knowledge). But this isn’t an indication of DNA preparing to express new species if you understand that much of this DNA that’s turned off is simply repeat sequences of DNA that’s turned on, and some of it can be traced back to previous species that have traits we have lost as the DNA ceases to be expressed.
E – Evolution is not random, so I don’t know why this guy keeps arguing against its randomness, unless he doesn’t understand Darwin and all of the evolutionary theory since Darwin.
F – I love his idea that humans must appear on other planets. Think of this – even within our one species on this one planet, natural selection has caused people of different heritages to be of different heights, colors, facial traits, immune system types, etc etc, depending on the environment that that particular strain of human DNA was exposed to over time… That’s just one species over a few hundred thousand years in the various environments of one planet. Imagine how differently even our own ancestral single-celled organisms would have evolved, given a completely different history on a completely different planet over millions/billions of years.
This guy is couching his unevidenced beliefs in a bit of scientific terminology, hoping it will sound like rational logic to untrained ears. It sickens me. If you want to have a religious-level dogma of cosmology and life that requires faith, that’s fine; don’t sully rational inquiry with it.
how would you feel in the usa to have chinese or russian troops walking your streets and gun boats off california …how come bush blair and these crooks have not been charged with war crimes?…
This man has thought of everything? Why have I’ve not seen more things like this. He’s been inventing sense the 1920!!!
Its things like this that make me happy to know I am not the only one doing this. i am trying to become a human encyclopedia. I can do most things from the arts (drawing, writing, playing instruments) to minor parts (very minor as of now) of zoology XD…
I am majoring in mathematics and physics. I plan to combine all disciplines as one so that I can teach anybody of any background. This will hopefully inspire every child. I quite dislike my colleagues are there at a chance of fame and fortune. I am just here to stave a path to a better future of understanding.
The reason why I get a degree is so that I can be seen by the scientific community. Otherwise when you speak, many will not listen to you. A problem i also want to fix. No matter how stupid a person thinks an answer is or a question is, its only is a way to understand each other.
I think that someone with his strength in logical thinking, might lack an emotional/spiritual logic. I don’t know him personally so I can’t answer that question. During the whole documentary I didn’t hear anything about that aspect of human nature. The concept of living in a world purely based on science, feels to me to be lacking something. I embrace the idea of a global society and to listen to the earth’s needs. But the problem is to which mind do we follow or work towards, what is the right direction to follow. I guess its like an ant’s nest that Jacque is describing. Well its left me thinking which is great. Great documentary definitely worth watching, thanks for sharing : )Â
this guy is smart alright, but hes too rigid, the World just doesnt work this way, you cant have a resource based economy, just like you cant make people make logical decisions all the time! Humans are inherently illogical, the emotional returns of an action cant be mathematically derived and compared like money while making a decision
this guy is smart alright, but hes too rigid, the World just doesnt work this way, you cant have a resource based economy, just like you cant make people make logical decisions all the time! Humans are inherently illogical, the emotional returns of an action cant be mathematically derived and compared like money while making a decision
In fact, emotional response could theoretically be predicted and calculated in practice with full accuracy. It’s researched, among other related subjects, within a field of study called cybernetics– where very substantial progress has been made the past few decades. Not to say that anything like what I’m suggesting will be practically applicable in the near future; I’m rather saying that you shouldn’t debunk any theoretical possibilities based on your own perception, as we humans have historically shown an aptitude for turning even the contemporary scientific impossible to possible.
I liked the design but his ethos is a form of Marxism.He kinda alienated me toward the end.
You don’t go into detail about your thoughts, but is it possible you are confusing the philosophical idea of Marxism with the Authoritarian States that grew out of the self-proclaimed Marxist nations?
These ideas reflect a true democracy. DId you watch the entire documentary? Or did you stop part way through?
Just wondering.
I liked the design but his ethos is a form of Marxism.He kinda alienated me toward the end.
I liked the design but his ethos is a form of Marxism.He kinda alienated me toward the end.
I’m a designer. Where do I sign up for an apprenticeship / internship with this guy?
“This shits got to go”
Man I hope he is teaching someone all this stuff, would hate to see such knowledge and engineering be lost if we lose this great man. Amazing stuff to think about, Jacque for President!!
this is freaking amazing. That jackque dude is nothing short than pure genius.
this is freaking amazing. That jackque dude is nothing short than pure genius.