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  1. this is life on good knowledge… [email protected]….on daily heaven…on day…

    Abdulrahman Aminu…ducomentaryheaven…[email protected]….ghadi on good friend life going too how dear all coming life

  2. this is days on good holiday weekend from good sallah on wisher allah..

    [email protected]…has now from now under good see am good from my home life under see nigeria…

    the future life understanding life sallah from all families and friends from all assistance please…

    defense on this days on greatly enjoyed holidays from all country world under see good doing well under parmission the link of honor life am happy way of my goof dream under dream of wisher year of good planing all need into peace heaven…

    [email protected]…heaven is best from families life on good heaven from life heaven of allah and wisher all plan trust this holidays..

    for government agency on this days of holidays from sallah days understanding all community life and other life see.

  3. this daily day into hajj on going arfat into wishes all mining…

    [email protected]…from all assistance qith muslim umma into day of arfat to hajj daily day…

    am Abdulrahman aminu from happy day of hajj from all country people into all planing good link of good make from defense on religion matter of this year of good wisher hajj link of good year…

    [email protected] from government agency link hajj on good from daily arfat into good happy to family and friends into today arfat day …

    am good wisher allah into the makka from link of good makka is the best to wisher allah and prophet Muhammad s.a.w…as Good morning all muslim today under good life from hajj life from heaven of allah wishes…

    am could from home could life understanding all classis of this days of hajj….

  4. one me as me one soulmate in to all

  5. Abdulrahman aminu as great truat all mining link heave [email protected]

    as good law of life link of great home life…

  6. What is this movie called?

  7. Ghandi was a great influencial leader, and needs to be brought up more.

  8. Ghandi was a great influencial leader, and needs to be brought up more.