What caused America to go from being a leading exporter of oil to the world’s largest importer? What are the economic and sociological forces that have contributed to that change and impede its solution?
Gashole is an eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices and sheds light on a secret that the big oil companies don’t want you to know – that there are viable and affordable alternatives to petroleum fuel! It also provides a detailed examination of our continued dependence on foreign oil and examines various potential solutions – starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different alternative fuels that are technologically available now, to questioning the American Consumers’ reluctance to embrace alternatives.
Narrated by Peter Gallagher, hear from a wide range of opinions from representatives of the US Department of Energy Representatives, Congressional leaders both Democrat and Republican, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel Consumers (including actor Joshua Jackson), Professors of Economics and Psychology and more. Anyone who buys gas should see this film!

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price control! simple as that
You guys are so retarded. The government makes more money off oil than the oil companies do. Stop spewing that dumb left wing talking point about the evil oil companies, you are so naive and childish. p.s- I don’t read comments on comments, it’s redundant. 😉
Almost seems like a set up. Move everyone out to the suburbs, attach the suburbs to the cities with over crowded high ways, leading to more profits and more consumption.
Nice, I see that many people are suggesting that there should be a commitment to a big project just like the manhattan project, the space race, etc., there is only one problem with that approach: all those projects were made by people from outside the usa, guess you need talented people from other countries to solve your problems, AGAIN!, lol
did the oilcompanys remove this doc ? 😀
Found full length on YouTube.
Good Watch
As there is nothing longer than 10 minute clips of this on Youtube, which I am using as a sort of gauge, I assume there is a copyright issue with this, i.e. it was not made to be distributed freely. I would not advocate stealing, of course, by I suggest you search for a torrent of this name.
video has been removed. please update!
video has been removed
i think there are better ways then bio-diesel to go an enviromentfriendly path of running your car. especially if u asume that the space it takes to cultivate theses crops is needed to supply the growing demand for food in our world. in my opinion we need to increase the efficiency of the engines.
People, We have to get rid of this bad addiction called OIL – otherwise it will be the slow death of us!
People, We have to get rid of this bad addiction called OIL – otherwise it will be the slow death of us!
People, We have to get rid of this bad addiction called OIL – otherwise it will be the slow death of us!
You libtards are so slow. Do you want us to drive electric cars that are actually worse for the environment because of all the coal burned to produce electricity? Silly liberal, facts are for adults.
you are an incredible nitwit
Henry Kissinger is the reason. He should be rounded up and put in prison. He has international arrest warrants out for his ass. Other big oil secrets: we have more oil under the Rockies, in the gulf and up in Alaska than the entire Middle East has. Henry Kissinger. Big Oil = NWO. Fuck facism and the corptocrisy that has taken over amurika.
Henry Kissinger is the reason. He should be rounded up and put in prison. He has international arrest warrants out for his ass. Other big oil secrets: we have more oil under the Rockies, in the gulf and up in Alaska than the entire Middle East has. Henry Kissinger. Big Oil = NWO. Fuck facism and the corptocrisy that has taken over amurika.
Absolutley brilliant. Well done.
Absolutley brilliant. Well done.