
Global Warming Doomsday Called Off

This documentary claims to be about the real cause of global warming. It discusses the idea that CO2 is not cause of global warming. This documentary discusses many topics that are not covered in the Global Warming Swindle such as the hockey stick graph, from the viewpoint of Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas.

I find it amazing the lengths that ‘flat-worlders’ will go to when trying to prove their illogical arguments. Are these people visionaries or just nut-jobs…you decide!

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  1. For the people who think that there is no problem and that the global warming is a naturel cycle…wake up and smell the coffee, everyone of us can make a difference on a daily basis by simple acts, we are talking about the heritage of our children here and we are imputable fot it, I have seen with my own eyes the effects of global warming when I was working in the Artic but don’t take me at my word have a look at this

  2. Who writes the “descriptions” for these videos on this great DocumentaryHeaven website?
    Instead of actually stating what the producer intended his work to be, we have a HACK named “VladimirLenin” writing a screed and condemning anyone who does not bow to HIS global conspiracy.

    Please DocumentaryHeaven, screen the writer/submitter of descriptions to ensure that they are not just political tripe.

    Let the movie speak for itself.

  3. Evolution is a lie as stupid as the 911 government story. Their is no evidence in the fossil record of evolution. imagine that. No solid proof what so ever. Produce the bones of all these. Not one single proof of one species evolving into another., and we have millions of fossils. The rich guys who fund these professors require they destroy the authority of a God, so they can play God themselves over the rest of us..

  4. The long range planning elitist globalists, realized oil was a limited resource. They realized long ago, that the only way to maintain an adequate oil supply which ensures their continued oligarch rule over the planet is to reduce consumption by eliminating consumers. ie world population. The Georgia guide-stones tell the tale. They want most of us dead ,so they can continue faring sumptuously every day, while reaping all the benefits of the world advanced sciences, but just for themselves and their own family, just their own family. Rich man and his brothers., all the rest of the people are Lazarus, and he can pick shit with the crows, but only just as long as they will tolerate him stinking up their gate. Their love money is the root of all their evil, which once obtained requires the power to keep it. The Christ , God of all creation intensely condemned these dark wandering stars, saying ,Woe unto to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I would not want to be in their shoes for all the money in the world.. I know Jesus Christ is God, I don’t just believe.

  5. and you will probably have 2.5 children which will think just like you…impending doom.

  6. “At what cost pal? How many people need to starve for you to readdress this statement. In first world countries, the environment (air and water quality) is better than it has been in decades.
    yikes, people like you scare me.”

    no one needs to starve so we can use energy more efficiently and with less pollution to the environment. People also need to question the notion that it is healthy for the planet for humans to keep on reproducing at this rate. In first world countries the air and water quality are better because we use the third world as our trashcans, and that is where all the companies which are polluting the world have moved their factories and mines.. people like you scare me, try thinking outside the box for a few seconds.

  7. okey people take a look at this video and think about it.

    And when people think about costs we already have bio diesel that works on every diesel engine out there. it is simply not produced in enough quantities for it to become the norm. so we could easily stop using oil within 2-3 years if we really wanted to do that. so this carbon tax would only really affect oil users. to add on this there is no way with to days technology that we could not stop using oil. we have had the means to do it for a long time, we even have a working engine… its called a diesel engine and was originally designed to run on peanut oil and still runs perfectly on Bio Fuels.    

    I recommend also watching a film here on this site called. “meet the climate skeptics” and another film called “Gas hole” 

    It does not matter weather global warming is real or not… we all know we are polluting to much and we treat our planet like a dumpster we need to change our ways. simple fact.

    It’s time to grow up and stop behaving like greedy children !  

    • It does not matter weather global warming is real or not… we all know we are polluting to much and we treat our planet like a dumpster we need to change our ways. simple fact.
      Wow, there is some great logic in that statement. Wow. At what cost pal? How many people need to starve for you to readdress this statement. In first world countries, the environment (air and water quality) is better than it has been in decades. 

      yikes, people like you scare me.

  8. why put this up and then make a comment about “flat-earthers”?  this documentary was excellent, with many of the most important scientists who continue to expose the manmade global warming theory as false.

  9. why put this up and then make a comment about “flat-earthers”?  this documentary was excellent, with many of the most important scientists who continue to expose the manmade global warming theory as false.

  10. 6/10
    – Decent variety of footage from arctic to desert and from urban to rural.
    – The presented counter argument to the Climate Change Theory appears to be more of a syntactic issue than anything else. For example, early in the show they concede that temperatures are rising, but that it isn’t man-made (precedent exists for a naturally warmer Earth). Later they mention how sea levels do not appear to be rising because of increased evaporation caused by warmer temperatures. The final impression their argument left me with is, “Yes the planet is getting warmer, but the Climate Change Theory doesn’t explain why well enough to be trusted.”
    – Shows some examples of where a single or few scientists disagree with the a larger group. In general, the disagreement is due to a counter example to the Climate Change Theory. The documentary would have benefitted from showing how these examples were received by the larger group, although such a debate might be beyond the scope of the show.
    – Does a reasonable job of discrediting Climate Change theories by demonstrating counter examples to predictions (sea level of Maldives islands not rising, upper atmosphere temperatures not rising, etc). This does support the idea that Doomsday, as predicted by the Climate Change Theory, should be re-evaluated.
    – Never addresses hurricane or storm frequency increase in recent decades, despite obvious lead-in statements facts such as the increase in ocean evaporation leading to increased precipitation. The implication is made that this precipitation will conveniently be added to the Polar regions, building up the ice caps. The documentary would have benefitted from showing how this polar transport occurs.
    – Some of the researchers presented contradict each other in ways. For example, one claims that ice cores demonstrate a cold period only in the last couple hundred years, from which we are now warming; while another claims that satellite data of the troposphere shows no warming recently. Another example is the claim that CO2 isn’t nearly as bad a greenhouse gas as water gas or vapour, while another researcher claims that sea levels won’t rise because more water gas or vapour will go into the atmosphere through evaporation.

  11. *CO2 levels rose as a result of temperature increase at the end of the last ice age proving that temperature change does affect CO2 levels, but what direct evidence is there that CO2 levels cause temperature change?

    And by evidence I don’t mean computer simulations or ‘models’ that can be tweaked ten million ways from Sunday to show whatever they are needed to show.

    One more question actually – why am I constantly being told I’m ignorant of the science of AGW yet every time I review it I only see theoretical bullshit instead of science?

    Yet when I tell them to review the emerging science of the solar-terrestrial climate relationship they just yell at me for being ‘stupid’ and throw a hissy fit about me ‘denying’ the “evidence”(theory)…surprise, surprise.

    I always thought being a scientist was about being the ‘ultimate skeptic’, yet apparently being skeptical about AGW theory means you are a “denier” that needs to burn in hell.

    Was I under a rock when religion hijacked science or has it always been this way and I just didn’t notice before?

    [Sorry, posted early again, lol]

  12. Some questions on the issue of ‘rising CO2’ in our atmosphere – how many millions of acres of trees and other natural plant life have been destroyed by commercial operations since CO2 levels were noticed to be ‘rising’?

    Wouldn’t removing a large amount of plant life that absorbs CO2 out of our atmosphere and converts it to oxygen lead to raised levels in our atmosphere even if there were no increase in CO2 production?

    And lastly, I’ve seen the ice core sample evidence that shows CO2

    • It is sad that the alarmists ignore the loss of forest habitat but insist that the solution is high taxes to punish the common man.

      How about this for a solution: Spend all of the AGW research money on purchasing the rights to huge chunks of rain forest and preserve. That would go further to fix any Co2 problem than anything suggested by the WARMageddonists.

  13. This is the best video out there on the global warming “theory”. I hope the masses who are campaigning against climate change, wasting time and money, will focus on the preservation of our earth; Not promote the globalist agenda of the IPCC and UN who are both corporate owned.

  14. The IPCC should be abolished

  15. global warming is a scam

    • I find it interesting that all but one of the “experts” in this video are receiving money directly or indirectly from the petroleum industry. … and the “scientists” who call gw a hoax? They are respondents to a survey and include anyone who ever attended any college class including basket weaving. One expert in this video is the head of an over-zealous Christian group and was demoted in his post at the University because the governor called him an embarassment to the state.
      The evidence is so overwhelming that before 2008 rabid right-wingers like George Bush, Newt Gingerich, Mitt Romney, and John McCain are all on record for calling it an urgent issue that needs to be dealt with. It might give you warm fuzzies to see a joke of a “documentary” like this but how about looking at real facts instead of digging for imaginary evidence? How can people trivialize an issue that will affect everyone eventually?
      These people are the ones who would have been standing on the last remaining dry part of the sinking Titanic and shouting that everything is fine, this ship is unsinkable.

      • You have an issue with the funding source of anyone being the petroleum industry… But you blindly accept that grant funding from WHO or UN that specifically tells the researchers what has to be proven is somehow pure and clean.


    • Hmm, lets see — the world scientific community on one hand, and a bunch of Google Experts living in their mum’s garage on the other.  Now who will I listen to ?  Wait !! The tabloids say that the Coal Miners PR guys have explained it all. Mr. Murdoch has spoken, so this Global Warming stuff must just all be alarmist nonsense.  What a relief.  Pass me another few spark plugs for my Chevvy V12 and turn up the airconditioning.  All gonna be fine.  

    • Hmm, lets see — the world scientific community on one hand, and a bunch of Google Experts living in their mum’s garage on the other.  Now who will I listen to ?  Wait !! The tabloids say that the Coal Miners PR guys have explained it all. Mr. Murdoch has spoken, so this Global Warming stuff must just all be alarmist nonsense.  What a relief.  Pass me another few spark plugs for my Chevvy V12 and turn up the airconditioning.  All gonna be fine.  

      • “so this Global Warming stuff must just all be alarmist nonsense”

        NOT nonsense, just like it ain’t nonsense that, at present, global warming is happening on all the planets in this solar system.
        …sun activity maybe?

        Revelation 16:8:
        “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.”

        Do we need to stop (wiser: never to have started) raping and polluting this planet? You bet! And the global elitist have devised a plan to do just that. By wiping out 90% of the world population (called, and rightfully so–self included: “worthless eaters”) by war, famine and disease by the year 2050–they now have the technology! This is their plan anyway, but little do they know… the joke is as much on them, as it is on everyone else.

        Matthew 24:22:
        “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
        saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

        Don’t worry though, it’s all good…
        It’s called the school of ‘The Knowledge of Good and Evil’ in joint partnership with the immutable law of ‘Cause and Effect’. How else, are we to learn?! And guess what, we ALL get to graduate!!!

        Enjoy!  o.O

    • Hmm, lets see — the world scientific community on one hand, and a bunch of Google Experts living in their mum’s garage on the other.  Now who will I listen to ?  Wait !! The tabloids say that the Coal Miners PR guys have explained it all. Mr. Murdoch has spoken, so this Global Warming stuff must just all be alarmist nonsense.  What a relief.  Pass me another few spark plugs for my Chevvy V12 and turn up the airconditioning.  All gonna be fine.