
God’s Next Army

Conservative evangelical Christians hold key positions in the US Government and now they’re training the next generation to take power…

God’s Next Army investigates Patrick Henry College (PHC), set up five years ago in Virginia, near Washington DC. Its mission is to train young fundamentalist Christians to become the next generation of America’s cultural and political leaders. Though the separation of church and state is enshrined in the US Constitution, with financial backing from the evangelical community the college aims to ‘rechristianise’ America; to ‘preserve the world from the sinfulness of man’.

God’s Next Army shows students taking their first step towards power, canvassing for a key Republican candidate. They visit a conservative lobbying company which is opposing the payment of compensation to people affected by asbestos, and is trying to repeal estate tax because ‘the earth is the Lord’s’.

Helped by the institution’s friends-in-high-places, PHC has already provided the current White House administration with more interns than any other college in the USA, and more are in the pipeline – on the way to becoming ‘key players in a Christian republic’.

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  1. Nazi-Fascists under Sheep Skin.

  2. the human mind is interested; they don’t see themselves as fascists? i do believe they think they are doing ‘good’ work to overcome “other” peoples evils. they really have no clue the evils within their mission.

  3. Dangerous and sick is all I have to say after watching 20 minutes of this piece of negative propaganda spouting “acceptance” ideology. All comments disabled on the youtube posting confirms that it is nothing more than petty brainwashing. I too am homeschooling my kid, but in a very different way than this.

  4. i think it’s such a good idea to have these like minded people studying at an institute like PHC. at least that way we only need to waste one bomb to wipe them all out.

  5. “We don’t need the worlds knowledge & information”. Sums it up for me. A lot of the kids seem to think that homosexuality is the key problem in the US. What about drugs, poverty, unemployment and the economy?

  6. The bible only exists because of us humans.. Take humans away and what do you have…

  7. This is terrifying, my gosh. As if being a member of the most distrusted group in America wasn’t bad enough, now we have these sheep being handed positions in government to worry about! I can’t even begin to approach how horrifying the future seems if these are the people who will one day be allowed to run our country. Their morals are so skewed by religion that they can’t even begin to form their own ideas about what’s right or wrong, they just follow in the foot steps of the people before them. It doesn’t seem to matter that their beliefs and intentions trample the civil rights of others, or that they’re upsetting the very fundamentals that the United States was founded on. I can’t believe that people with so much obvious skill and potential are being brainwashed like this, it’s disgusting. This whole prospect is an absolute travesty, and that school should be shut down. It’s bad enough that so much money is being poured in to it, it’s bad enough that a crazy religious sect has so many resources to draw upon! 

    You know what? When churches and religious organizations spend half as much on actually doing good as they spend on these weird stunts, then I’ll be more inclined to listen to their arguments. I’ve worked, and volunteered, and donated so much of my life and time, and I have NEVER seen a room full of Christians stepping up to help at a soup kitchen, I’ve NEVER seen a line of fundamentalists going down to street wanting to work at a battered woman’s shelter. You know what’s better than sitting around and campaigning to get ANOTHER conservative Christian elected in to public office? Getting up, going out in to the world, and directly helping those in need. This whole thing is a gross misuse of power and political pull; not only the school, but everything it represents. This is one generation of people training the next not only to hate, but how to turn that hate in to law. 

    And I know I missed the boat on comments for this film, but I am damn angry. 

  8. I don’t believe in heaven, but after watching this, I do believe in hell.

  9. They can make as many fundamentalist schools as they like. Human history shows that in time, ALL stupid practices and beliefs fall by the wayside in the wake of empirical scientific evidence.

    It doesn’t matter how hard these religious christian weirdos fight it, in the end, they will lose, their religion will be gone, their backwards ideology will be lost, and we will all be able to move forward into a period of greater enlightenment.

  10. Religions, like Christianity pathologise, the human condition. It’s poison. I feel very sorry for these kids. They never had the chance to avoid the mind virus of religion and go through life with the joy of discovering reality on reality’s terms. It’s as bad, or even worse, as a parent cauterising a child’s eyes at infancy so that they never develop site. The parents of these kids cauterised their minds.

  11. The dumbing down of the United States!

  12. So that’s how republican drones are made

  13. This film confirms the need for the Separation of Church and State.

  14. how can you be both pro life and pro guns. guns/people with guns kill far more people then abortions (even when you count the fetus as a person).
    also the “homosexual marriage issue” as the young man so carefully put it, is only an issue if you make it one. they aren’t ruining the sanctity of marriage, infact marriage used to be all about money not love, marriage only in the last 200 years became about love.

  15. Patrick Henry College is a human tragedy….

  16. Pieces of scum.

  17. there has been either no correlation or a negative correlation between intelligence and religion in nearly every study conducted on the subject. an exhaustive scientific study done by gregory s. paul and published in the scholarly online journal, “journal of religion and science,” showed that the most ‘christian’ parts of the united states, the south and midwest, have the highest rates of social ills and crime including murder, sexually transmitted diseases, mortality and so forth. the study also showed that the united states as a whole has far higher rates of crime and social ills than the rest of the developed world including all of europe. the us is much more “christian” than civilized nations.

    average american prison statistics:

    christian 75.001%

    all other religions 24.791%

    atheist 0.209%   

    although we atheists could write novels about this, that probably says enough.

  18. This is very unsettling.  The American Christian Taliban trained at Patrick Henry “College”.  This is not what America is supposed to be.   

  19. Ignorance is Bliss; until it hurts the whole of humanity. Unfortunately, that’s where we are now.

  20. Instead of preaching what is unsure they should be trying to raise their level of consciousness to a point where they can truly “see”.

  21. Dangerous, idiot robots who think they know what’s best for other people.

  22. Not sure what to think about this.

  23. Honestly When i saw this i literally wanted to vomit.  This is a disgusting perversion of what politics should be. To Quote Thomas Jefferson “Shake
    off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are
    servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her
    tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the
    existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.”
    Sorry i just wanted to quote Jefferson.

  24. Full agree with the view they are America’s Taliban

  25. Wow, great documentary. I’m so glad the country is on its way back to its Christian roots.

    • How disturbing  – religion and fanatics like these people have murdered millions of people in the name of their god – learn your history and see it is all about power, ignorance, fear and greed.  Life is for living – not brainwashing kids into a system that benefits them and then trying to rule the world for their own toxic beliefs.  Down with Religion – up with living life on earth in peace. 
      Down with the Fed, IMF and World Bank too – the corrupt Fractional Reserve Monetary System only benefits the greedy billionaires while hundreds of millions starve to death and the middle class get sucked into endless debt.  Open your eyes.

    • How disturbing  – religion and fanatics like these people have murdered millions of people in the name of their god – learn your history and see it is all about power, ignorance, fear and greed.  Life is for living – not brainwashing kids into a system that benefits them and then trying to rule the world for their own toxic beliefs.  Down with Religion – up with living life on earth in peace. 
      Down with the Fed, IMF and World Bank too – the corrupt Fractional Reserve Monetary System only benefits the greedy billionaires while hundreds of millions starve to death and the middle class get sucked into endless debt.  Open your eyes.

    • I hope you are taking this piss

    •  They are just America’s Taliban.

  26. The bible is more dangerous than the most powerful bombs.

  27. The bible is more dangerous than the most powerful bombs.

  28. “Though the separation of church and state is enshrined in the US Constitution…” What a bunch of crap. The only thing disturbing and scary is the amount of ignorance Americans have with regards to the Constitution. No where, that’s right now where in the Constitution of the United States of America does the phrase “separation of church and state” exist. The phrase was first used in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education, more than 150 years after the U.S. Constitution was drafted. The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Explain how that translates into a license to use the American court system to ban Christianity from public life.

    If by some miracle someone reading this may be open enough to learning real history about the “separation of church and state” and how it relates to the Constitution and the history of our Founding Fathers, I highly suggest reading ‘Original Intent’ by historian David Barton. A Christian man yes, however anyone with an objective mind will be hard pressed to deny the incredible amount of historical evidence and case law used to affirm his findings.

    • Unbiased:

      To call David Barton a ‘Historian’ is very generous.  His only college-level education is a BA in Religious Education from Oral Roberts University.  He has many times allied himself with racist supporters of the ‘Christian Identity’ movement, and has been caught several times misquoting and misrepresenting statements of the founding fathers, and misrepresenting court decisions.  You ask for an ‘objective mind’, yet you cite Barton?  This may suffice amongst believers, but not to those who ask for honesty and integrity.  These refutations of Barton are not hard to find.  Barton and his ilk like to say that seperation of church and state originated in 1947, yet this date is closer to when the christian movement began to assert more influence in government and began to attempt to revise history. “In God we trust” didnt begin to appear on coins until 1864, not made law until 1908, and not added to paper currency until 1954.  “under god” was added to the pledge of allegiance in 1953. To go back a little further than the 1940s, check the ACTUAL quotes from some early american figures:
      “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” THomas Jefferson 1802 – The 1947 supreme court case you refer to was quoting Jefferson.. from 1802

      “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” 1797, Treaty of Tripoli, article 11

      “A hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world” 1644- Roger Williams, theologian, founder of the first Baptist Church

      You’ll find that 1644 was just a wee bit before 1947. I await any response.

  29. The documentary does a good job of introducing the school with unbiased narration. I, however, find the uprising of religious fundamentalists in the US a scary thing. The fact that this “school” is grooming future fundamentalists for Washington is disturbing.

  30. it’s so sad what happends to the young generation in Usa,Isus should be a teacher not a career, its just mass brain washing nothing else.