
Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine

Cocaine is everywhere and celebrity chief Gordon Ramsey is no stranger to the illegal substance, he has had many encounters with it throughout his life and career, stating that he has been served it, had his hand shaken and left with little wraps of foil containing it, he has even been asked to dust soufflé’s with it and its use now seems to be more prevalent than ever before, especially in the United Kingdom where it is being described as Britain’s favourite Class A drug.

Britain consumes 30 tones of the drug each year, which is more than any other country in Europe, but behind cocaines glamourise image lies a criminality, cruelty and death toll of the illegal drugs trade with over 140,000 drug related offences being committed in 2017, costing Britain over 10 billion pounds.

In this two-part documentary series we see Ramsay join both police and military forces in the U.K. and abroad in order to get a better idea of the scale of the problem, it is a journey which takes him from testing the bathrooms in his restaurants for cocaine, to the British streets where it is being bought and sold every day and he goes to the source itself, deep in the jungles of South America.

We also learn of how Gordon’s own brother became addicted to the use of cocaine and how his head chief died form a cocaine related accident.



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  1. This is a complex issue and requires the participation of many parties to resolve cookie clicker. We need to raise awareness of the harmful effects of cocaine and strengthen measures to prevent illegal drug use and trafficking.

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  3. Honestly… this is probbaly the best anti-cocaine PSA I’ve ever seen. Cement, sulfuric acid, gasoline, battery acid… However, becoming a slope 3 master takes dedication and practice.

  4. Watching a professional chef like Ramsey doing his research on the provenance and quality of his produce before using in the kitchen👨‍🍳 the man is an inspiration to young chefs everywhere. Thanks for sharing this video and rainbow friends

  5. Our own government is behind it all, it’s the biggest gang of them all.

  6. If you make something scarce, illegal or banned, you make it expensive and in demand.

    I don’t understand why anyone would START using drugs because there are nothing but horror stories. Drug abusers are people who need mental/emotional help. Locking users in prison (where drugs are easy to get) makes no sense.

    • some drugs are perfectly safe however if you put the manufacturing to criminals then people will cut them with dangerous substances. Cocaine is less addictive then sugar (I am not saying that cocaine is safe) some people do research into the compounds they take. it is possible to use some drugs responsibly. similar to alcohol.

      • By saying cocaine is less addictive then (sic) sugar yes you ARE saying it’s safe but moreover you’re saying you’re foolish.

        • I don’t know about sugar specifically but there are studies saying that pharma-grade cocaine (which exists btw, it’s produced as a local anaesthetic for people who are allergic to most other anaesthetics) is about as harmful as nicotine, which millions if not billions of people consume many times a day.

          The two biggest risks of cocaine are firstly the impurities and the harmful chemicals it’s cut with, and secondly the issue that you never know purity, so a cocaine addict might have taken some 30% purity cocaine all his life and is used to it, and when he once gets 95% purity cocaine he tries to take the same amount and accidentally overdoses

  7. The story happened in the southern of the Netherlands.
    If you think this is something from the last years, you are wrong. It is all over Europe, the world. Even in China and Japan. The Arabic countries, where the rich are bragging.
    28 years ago I got in my early twenties addicted to cocaine. For 5 years I have partied like there was no tomorrow. It brought me nothing but debts. I was fortunate that I had always a job. So I did not have to go criminal to get it. But good jobs got me deep pockets, good fat loans. That I had to pay some day.

    after 5 years I got a dog via a friend. That dog, my friend got me of the drugs. One day the money was short, and the rent money was also gone up the nose. But with my last money I could buy dogfood or a line to snort. I choose the first option. Saw how silly it all was and slowly but surely got a grip on me.

    Not long after coming clean and started from the gutter, I met my wife. Told her every thing. Got together and I started to pay of the loan. Which was a good € 16000 roughly in 2002. After two years I had payed of the loan. Bought a house and it was only upwards from that time on. Now married for 18 years and 2 children, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

    Did this to my self, no one is to blame but myself. So with the unconditional love of my dog, who had a good life and passed away in 2011 at 15 years of age and the unconditional love of my wife. I had managed to turn around my life and now 28 years later can type my short story here.

    Do I look back with anger, regret. No, not at all. I look back at it like it was a part of my life that formed me to the person I am now. Thankfull to have met the people that I have met, even the ones that had no good intentions. It gave me important lessons of life, those lessons i try to pass on my children and however wants them to here.

    Wat my eyes have seen can not be unseen. What Gordon did was good, even to show how much effort a poor man has to go through to get the fix I also craved. That knowledge I got in the last years of snorting that shit. Is it to late for the people, never. But the ones who are selling it are some hard heartless folks, that only have greed in there eyes. Deep within they are good people, but forgotten how to be like one. Something has brought them to be pushed in a situation that makes more shit than good.

    • Thanks, Helmut, for your message. I’m struggling to get over chronic addiction myself (not specifically cocaine) and I love that your animal companion was the key for you. I’m very much thinking of caring for a dog at the moment, and your message has helped consolidate this idea for me. Thank you so much. BW

  8. I understand the addiction potential of cocaine and the damage it causes to people’s lives, I really do. But this “war on drugs” is really creating more problems then it fixes. Their intentions are good, but when you confiscate tons of cocaine and take down dealers and gangs, all you are doing is making the substance even more valuable, which in turn creates more violence and crime surrounding it. Look, people are always going to want cocaine, and there will always be people there to meet that demand. The demand is not going down, but availability of the substance is, which makes the inevitable market far more dangerous than it already is. What we really need to be investing in is rehabilitation and drug education, social services, not funding a pointless “war” on something that can never truly be stopped.

    • We need to Legalize it for Medical Uses and for Recreational Uses, do you die for it?
      It’s like Adderall, if you start with 30mg and you finish with 90mg it’s all ok, based on my culture of drugs and medicine, if you finish with 200Mg it’s a bad thing, because of side effects, if you start with 30Mg-50Mg of Pure Cocaine and you finish with 100Mg of Pure Cocaine Orally or Nasal avaiable, it’s all ok, you’ve some problems related to the drug in the same way of the Adderall, all drugs/medicine make you in trouble, in the condition to have addiction or mental hillness if you’re Psycho or something, but, if the state, related to this, educate you to Drugs, Psychopaty etc, you take cautions, if the state seize you for shitty 3g of Coke and your personal use are not educate you but mading nervous and crazy for that making in you a sense of fault because do you alter your mind, the Human it’s adapted and born for taking Drugs, why Judge and try to Stop a thing that it’s absolutely Human and Natural? I don’t know, honestly, probably i’m stupid, or toxic man who use Amphetamine and think differently from anyothers who don’t use Drugs, but, that my idea man, hi.