We live in an age of astonishing advances, engineers can land a car sized rover on Mars, Physicists probe the essence of old matter, while we communicate wirelessly on a vast world wide network but underlying all these modern wonders is something deep and mysteriously powerful. It’s been called the language of the universe, and perhaps its civilisations greatest achievement, its name is mathematics, but where does it come from and why in science does it work so well? In this film, Nova explores the idea of maths and its potential for unlocking the secrets of the cosmos.

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Send rockets to the moon, across the street.
Replacing a heart that refuses to beat
Numbers to count passed a hundred quadrillion
Our days of fulfillment are one in million
Thinking we’ve made it to the top of the hill
There’s Sisyphus pushing his rock up there still
Back bent like a pretzel his eyes filled with tears
Pushing this damned thing for so many years
Theory conjecture, speculation, and wonder
His Rock tumbles downward crashing like thunder
His confidence waning frustration profound
No meaning no answers will ever be found
A pitiful race peering out through the void
Never knowing what lies there and really annoyed
We’re trapped in a bubble, floating round in the dark
With no understanding what caused the big spark
So we scratch at the surface, never getting inside
Longing for dreams washed away by the tide
(C) Pete Mullen
A great little documentary regarding the history, and wonders of mathematics. Whether you like the topic or not, it is a very enjoyable watch. Check it out!