Grey Gardens is a 1975 documentary film by Albert and David Maysles.
An old mother and her middle-aged daughter, the aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, live their eccentric lives in a filthy, decaying mansion in East Hampton.

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everytime l watch this l get the same reaction WHY were these woman allowed to get to this state? where were the sons and l heard jackie tried to help them at one point /they were stunning ladies in their day edie l wish she had gotten away and found love instead of rotting in spirit l feel so sad for her even now People this is a warning to help when u can dont give up dont laugh at others misfortune sorry have to end this now as lm getting upset again .
It was a great documentary!
Accents are very similar to JFK’s
“Big Edie” died in 1977 and “Little Edie” sold the house in 1979 to former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee and his wife Sally Quinn for $220,000, who promised to restore the dilapidated structure. “Little Edie” died in Florida in 2002 at the age of 84. According to a 2003 article in Town & Country, after their purchase, Bradlee and Quinn completely restored the house and grounds (the sale agreement forbade razing the house).
Saw this on netflix, so very worth your time. Fun and sad and awesome and tragic, but mostly unforgettable ladies.
so many insane memories…….
De Bouvier huh, lives of the rich and infamous. Deranged. People think they treat their own better than the rest of us, not true. Sure, you’ll not be homeless for they are spongers extraodinaire on the welfare state but I can’t sit through more than 15 minutes of this garbage of nutcase comedy: revolutionary constume, indeed.