At five years old, Juliana has already been through thirty operations to mediate the severity of her affliction: Treacher Collins syndrome. Juliana was born with one sealed eyelid, a complete lack of cheekbones, no nasal passage and almost no upper and lower jawbone.

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woww! j really couldnt beljeve my eyes..j’ve ever seen such a sjtuatjon but her famjly and she r stjll seem to happy..
That is the craziest looking face i have ever seen. I feel so sorry for her.
“without a face”? she’s got a face.
Yes that was exactly what I was thinking, it might not be the best one but it still is one.
Courageous, brave, fun, independent, smart? Maybe. Beautiful? No.
Aren’t those the things that define beauty?
She is the epitome of beauty, everything beauty ought to be.
Courageous, brave, fun, independent, smart? Maybe. Beautiful? No.
The sister obviously has some gender identification problems.
I cant even imagine…
my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly