Guardians of Hope Documents the humanitarian struggle of social workers in the harsh streets of downtown Los Angeles. Revealing what could be one of the most important movements in social change, the film features interviews with the passionate and dedicated people at the forefron tif the struggle, which seeks to reclaim dignity and hope for all men, women and children who are suffering.

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Unless the psychological roots of what propelled a person into “homelessness” is addressed and treated, it is by and large a futile effort to help. As the documentary stated, all of these people are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and helping to overcome and heal from this is the key to unlock them from the shackles of shame, fear and self hate.
You drank the cool aid! Are you serious? Post traumatic stress? Do yo even know what post traumatic stress is? The real reason why the majority (notice I said majority) of people are homeless is because it was their choice. There are already enough fallback options for people who need assistance (mental issues, etc.). If people keep feeding the homeless, providing supplies, a place to sleep, and so forth, they are doing nothing but enabling these people to continue living the way they do. Thank God we have people who have the heart to help, but in actuality, they are not helping, but harming these people. Instead of giving and giving and giving food and supplies, why not put their efforts into helping these people be self-sufficient?
You drank the cool aid! Are you serious? Post traumatic stress? Do yo even know what post traumatic stress is? The real reason why the majority (notice I said majority) of people are homeless is because it was their choice. There are already enough fallback options for people who need assistance (mental issues, etc.). If people keep feeding the homeless, providing supplies, a place to sleep, and so forth, they are doing nothing but enabling these people to continue living the way they do. Thank God we have people who have the heart to help, but in actuality, they are not helping, but harming these people. Instead of giving and giving and giving food and supplies, why not put their efforts into helping these people be self-sufficient?