15 year old Harold Jones was a child murder who in 1921 was tried and acquitted for the murder of an 8 year old girl. After his acquittal he killed an 11 year old girl. He pled guilty to both and went to prison. He was released in 1941 at age 35. Jones was a sadist. His gratification came from causing pain.

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It’s puzzling to me how a child with Harold’s ordinary upbringing would commit murder. You’d think at such a young age he would resist his sadistic impulses in hope for a good future, instead of going to jail. Satisfying this urge must have been his number one priority.
This was really interesting to watch. Would have preferred more information re: Jack the Stripper, but I guess I’ll have to look into that myself.
Read the book about Freddie Mills the boxer, by Michael Litchfield, he is more likely the murder.
jACK THE sTRIPPER IS A SICK BASTARD, BUT THAT bLACK sABBATH SONG IS BAD-ASS. And, I disagree with that guy who said he would have been convicted today, that’s bull.
I think he would have simply due to DNA evidence.
In an Age not Known for lenient sentences this Guy was Charmed