It was the defining moment of the 20th Century – the scientific, technological, military, and political gamble of the first atomic attack. This drama-documentary attempts to do what no other film has done before – to show what it is like to live through a nuclear explosion.
Set in the three weeks from the test explosion in New Mexico to the dropping of the bomb, the action takes viewers into the room where the crucial political decisions are made; on board the Enola Gay; inside the bomb as it explodes; and on the streets of Hiroshima.
For six months, the United States had made use of intense strategic fire-bombing of 67 Japanese cities. Together with the United Kingdom, and the Republic of China the United States called for a surrender of Japan in the Potsdam Declaration.
The Japanese government ignored this ultimatum. By executive order of President Harry S. Truman, the U.S. dropped the nuclear weapon Little Boy on the city of Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945, followed by the detonation of Fat Man over Nagasaki on August 9.
These two events are the only active deployments of nuclear weapons in war. The target of Hiroshima was a city of considerable military importance, containing Japan’s Second Army Headquarters, as well as being a communications center and storage depot.

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Democrats bleeding heart idiots suck dick.The same ipeople who say It’s okay to be gay when nature says it’s not .Can two men make a baby.force it down everybodys throats that shit is ruining America giving in to cry babys
Hey wackoff, maxie, anonymous coward, and girls. No historical pragmatism in your worlds, huh? To hell with what it saved in lives and property. We dropped the bomb on civilians! Civilians living in industrial and military towns. I’d say grow up but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. The appalling stupidity and emoting on your parts is proof that you have been raised to despise everything that America has ever done. Even when we do the right thing. News flash Poppy sniffers: Even though by dropping the bomb we greatly upped the chances of all of you being born, we still did the right thing! If you can’t see that, it’s only because of your hatred and distorted(brainwashed)views on this topic. War is Hell! But we Didn’t Start This One. We finished it! Yukdog is completely right in that we saved not only millions of American, Australian, Russian and British lives but millions of Japanese who a) Were willing to fight to the death because b)they were controlled by fanatical Samurai nut jobs. It’s only because the Emperor was a human being and not a God, like the people thought, that Japan surrendered. The fanatical nut jobs that were in control of Japan even tried to steal his surrender speech so they could continue to prosecute this war to their Samurai(never surrender)end. It’s quite obvious none of you have taken the time to study this. Or any history for that matter. If you had you’d know that your reactions to this event are the recipe for this happening again. Yes War is Hell, guys. And it’s paved with a**holes like yourselves with all the good intentions in the world. But Human Nature is what it is and the urge to save the planet or it’s inhabitants is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Our founders knew this. But your hatred for them is probably just as strong as your stupidity on this subject.
fuck you america you have blood of millions of people just fuck you
Your a dork. Go live in North Korea where you belong…
And you, Blizz26, are ignorant if you have no remorse for what was done to innocent civilians, whether they be Americans or Japanese, or Iraqis. What you need is a REAL history lesson, but I cannot give that to you. First, you need to acquire a desire for truth, and not simply be a consumer of propaganda. I am sincere when I say, “I hope that you see the light someday.”
You are the one who needs the real history lesson!!!
Typical American hypocrisy that they are so well known for. What they did is unforgivable.
Ohhh, please!!! Did Japan attacking and killing the marines and civilians of the usa, was that forgiveable????? If only japan accepted the defeat, none of this would have happened!!!!!
Give me a break. This is why they need to teach history! We have Japanese friends who are convinced they too would have died had Japan been invaded. They indeed were being taught how to charge American soldiers with bamboo spears, etc. In addition “the bomb” killed far fewer, people. and more humanely (if such a thing is possible), then the fire bombing of Tokyo. Before you start spouting propaganda read some history and get some facts! Even death due to radiation was far less common than expected, something that is still hard to explain.
The real lesson here is that all war is stupid, brutal, and almost always wrong. I find it “interesting” that today international law says that it is OK to kill someone but it is against international law to try and hurt them. Yet another reason why war is so stupid.
yukdog……….WTF are you spewing here? You are so inarticulate that you probably cannot interpret your own words. Get clear and try again. I am sure you have something meaningful to say.
yukdog……….WTF are you spewing here? You are so inarticulate that you probably cannot interpret your own words. Get clear and try again. I am sure you have something meaningful to say.
Give me a break. This is why they need to teach history! We have Japanese friends who are convinced they too would have died had Japan been invaded. They indeed were being taught how to charge American soldiers with bamboo spears, etc. In addition “the bomb” killed far fewer, people. and more humanely (if such a thing is possible), then the fire bombing of Tokyo. Before you start spouting propaganda read some history and get some facts! Even death due to radiation was far less common than expected, something that is still hard to explain.
The real lesson here is that all war is stupid, brutal, and almost always wrong. I find it “interesting” that today international law says that it is OK to kill someone but it is against international law to try and hurt them. Yet another reason why war is so stupid.
Maybe they should make a documentary about the Nanking massacre or other crimes of fascist Japan
pure terrorism …
pure terrorism …
Well it saved American lives….so much better than Japanese lives. After all, whats a few hundred thousand Japanese women and children worth? Do you get im being slightly sarcastic?
Not sarcastic. Just very sad