
Hot Planet

Professors Iain Stewart and Professor Kathy Sykes take a timely look at global warming ahead of the Copenhagen summit, exploring the world’s leading climate scientists’ vision of the planet’s future.

Scientists predict that if global temperatures continue to rise at their current rate, Earth will be one degree warmer within 10 years, two degrees warmer within the next 40 years and three degrees or more warmer before the end of the century.

If the Earth’s temperature increases to three degrees warmer than the average pre-industrial temperature, the impact on the planet will be catastrophic. Across the Earth, ways of life could be lost forever as climate change accelerates out of control. This isn’t inevitable, however: climate change is not yet irreversible.
Ingenious technology and science is currently being devised, advanced and tested around the world which could offer solutions for a sustainable future. The question that remains is, can the world embrace and implement them on a large enough scale within an effective time-line?

If widespread damage to human societies and ecosystems is to be prevented, global temperature rise must be slowed and eventually reversed. Hot Planet offers an accurate visual prediction of the planet’s future, based on the findings of over 4,000 climate scientists.

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  1. painting on the back of a polar bear, so their prey can easily spot it? Smart move.

  2. ffs this is not even debated among scientists. All we do it try and fix the problem now.

  3. we need to find much more expensive ways to live! Or the world will explode! …and i would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling scientists gwahabwahamwaha …
    Dr Pseudoscience

  4. ” The planet is fine, the people are fucked! Difference!” Thank god for Carlin R.I.P

  5. The increase concentration of CO2 in the outer atmosphere lags global temperature rise by 800 years!!! So how in the world can anybody, let alone a scientist, suggest CO2 is driving climate change. Certainly never has before….

    “We’re the puppet people! Show on TV its true! Cause we’re the puppet people..”
    Bill Hicks

  6. Just more propaganda to get the Cap & Trade hoax in place. 
    Climate change has allways been there. 
    To think that we can do anything about it is god-complex-madness and makes no economic sense

    • Cap and Trade might not the solution, but something must be done fast. I strongly suggest you watch Watch Earth – The Climate Wars PT 2/3 (part two of this series of three) Open your eyes Marc.

    • Cap and Trade might not the solution, but something must be done fast. I strongly suggest you watch Watch Earth – The Climate Wars PT 2/3 (part two of this series of three) Open your eyes Marc.

  7. the world isn’t fucked…. people are fucked..

  8. Great stuff. Interestingly performed, convincing arguments- well maybe not for the few with little scientific understanding that are anti-reason for some bizar reason…

  9. this is a joke right? its an april fool video, not a documentary you fools

  10. WTF’s with this host?

  11. Does anyone still believe this BS!?

    • see part two of this three part series and see how skeptics admits it is real!!!! Watch Earth – The Climate Wars PT 2/3

    • see part two of this three part series and see how skeptics admits it is real!!!! Watch Earth – The Climate Wars PT 2/3

    • I have news that you might find shocking but ‘believing’ has absolutely no bearing on reality.

    • Hmmn, lets see. Who “believes” in the science of climate change? Only 98% of climatologists, every national academy of science, all western governments, the overwhelming majority of scientists over all disciplines. The evidence of anthropogenically induced climate change is incontrovertible. Whether or not you choose to believe it is wholly inconsequential.