This film came out of the director’s frustration with watching the nightly news and hearing generals, politicians and pundits, explaining the political and economic cost of the war in the Middle East, without ever mentioning the human cost. He wanted to hear about the war by the people affected by it most: doctors, nurses, poets, artists, soldiers, and his personal favorite, musicians. Michael Franti, world-renowned musician and human rights worker, travels to Iraq, Palestine and Israel to explore the human cost of war with a group of friends, some video cameras and his guitar.
A compelling soundtrack, visual and musical montages and Franti’s intimate voiceovers make the film speak to the MTV, X, Y & Z generations, as well as the baby-boomers. A true armchair travel film pulling the audience into these war zones in the company of Michael’s guitar, eloquence and wit – you feel the humanity, artistic resilience and sometimes horrific experience of what it’s like to live under the bombs and military occupation.
With its guerrilla style footage captured in active war zones, the documentary is unlike the many academic and politically driven pieces in the marketplace, instead offering the audience a sense of intimate travel and the opportunity to hear the voices of everyday people living, creating and surviving under the harsh conditions of war and occupation..
arrgrh! why is this shit still hapenning today? why are people such stupid brutes? soo inspirational I wrote a song about it!
The little kid in the hospital with both is legs amputated (when the guy was in Iraq) REALLY got to me. I started crying like crazy! Hopefully hopefully hopefullyyyy this will all end soon!
I like the idea behind this documentary but at times I felt like the musician was just trying to push/advertise his music.
I would lie if i said i didnt thought about the same thing, first came on my mind Promotion.
Then I thought who the hell would go through risk of being killed just to promote music ?.
I think he is sincere and his songs have a message, and since he is singer-songwriter
why would he need other songs on his documentary… he might as well push this peace process himself, it takes a lot of courage. and his songs have a positive meaning.
Their use to be John Lennon of the world, and Michael Jackson who would push for peace through music… now a days you got self obsessed artists..
so good to see a difference with Franti and the Spearhead
I would lie if i said i didnt thought about the same thing, first came on my mind Promotion.
Then I thought who the hell would go through risk of being killed just to promote music ?.
I think he is sincere and his songs have a message, and since he is singer-songwriter
why would he need other songs on his documentary… he might as well push this peace process himself, it takes a lot of courage. and his songs have a positive meaning.
Their use to be John Lennon of the world, and Michael Jackson who would push for peace through music… now a days you got self obsessed artists..
so good to see a difference with Franti and the Spearhead
Amazing and Beautiful. Please watch and believe that peace can happen if we all help each other and try to understand our differences and accept that we are all amazing and unique individuals that just want to feel loved, happy and safe in our homes and with our families.
You can say what you like about his politics but you have to admit that he shows more courage by putting his boosts on the ground than all the bed-wetting chicken-hawks that support all this nonsense.