Panorama’s Richard Bilton went to Slough to find out the effects of immigration on the town’s people and the local council’s finances

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Panorama’s Richard Bilton went to Slough to find out the effects of immigration on the town’s people and the local council’s finances
Borders, language, customs. If you can’t maintain all three eventually you won’t have a country. And unchecked immigration is incompatible with a generous welfare state.
Brits are the victim of their stupid,childisly naive laws.
Nobody is surprised the country is the number one magnet for world illegal immigration movement..Brits have no ID’s, NHS is available to anyone who knocs on the door and say he needs medical attention,no ID no passport whatsoever.An illegal immigrant can undergo a hearth by-pass operation which costs 40.000 pounds elsewhere free of charge at the expense of British taxpayers. Unlike any other country in Europe,the stupid Brits can’t arrest or detain illegal immigrants they simply let them go when they can’t find their passports.Brits have only themselves to blame.
What complete and utter garbage. Have you ever even been outside of Alabama.
We are proud of the best free health service in the world and that we are not forced to carry ID like the US slaves.
As for your absurd claim that any immigrant can have a heart by-pass. Words fail me at your ignorance.
Multiculturalism = Fail.
There’s no England anymore.
I hope Labour are happy with what they’ve done to a once great nation. Now we’re a Turd World country.
I am tired of you psycho-babbling Euro-trash always blaming immigrants for your failings. England has been in decline for nearly a hundred years. To slow down that decline, they, with the help of the Americans, forced the European Union. England’s claim to greatness was the vampire state’s ability to suck the blood off of other nations through colonialism. Since then end of blatant colonialism, England has struggled to re-invent herself, and have failed repeatedly. Today, the nation has nothing that it calls its own culturally or economically. It has turned into a pathetic parasite on the U.S. and other European nations.
Wow, a devastating display of ignorance. The UK was not a founder member of the EU, so did not force it, and does not owe the USA or the EU money, indeed UK pays EU membership dues. The UK is not a parasite. Tosser.
Multiculturalism = Fail.
There’s no England anymore.
I hope Labour are happy with what they’ve done to a once great nation. Now we’re a Turd World country.
Multiculturalism = Fail.
There’s no England anymore.
I hope Labour are happy with what they’ve done to a once great nation. Now we’re a Turd World country.
to watch the white race slowly slit it’s own throat is pathetic……the JEWS and the ADL are the driving force in EUROPE and AMERICA for the massive influx of the third world population
Britain needs to figure out exactly what types of immigrants they want coming into the UK. I’m not British.
There are an estimated 3-4 million illegal immigrants in the UK !!!!
I hate the fact how in Arizona the Hispanic Community is discrimated against. They came here to have a better life. They deserve just as many rights as any one.
“Deserve”? They are legal rights of citizens. Be legal.
i agree with below , the joke is second generation emigrants complaining
make me bloody laugh ,
poor indigenous population ( white….don’t get a say in it….. o is that racist,,kiss my ass
i agree with below , the joke is second generation emigrants complaining
make me bloody laugh ,
poor indigenous population ( white….don’t get a say in it….. o is that racist,,kiss my ass
It’s no good making these people scapegoats for the failings in our own system & the failure of the Government & local council to sort out the failings of the system. I notice that it was mostly other immigrants who have been here for years who are complaining the most, double standards or what? As long as they are working legally & paying tax, what’s the problem? They are helping to subsidise the benefits of the other immigrants that have been here for years & are on benefits. Perhaps it time that they left & made room for the new ones, who are paying taxes. The main point here is that it’s the system that is at fault not the people coming here. Sort out the system & then there want be any problems because the problems could not arise. But we should all stop using these people as scapegoats for our own failings.
It’s no good making these people scapegoats for the failings in our own system & the failure of the Government & local council to sort out the failings of the system. I notice that it was mostly other immigrants who have been here for years who are complaining the most, double standards or what? As long as they are working legally & paying tax, what’s the problem? They are helping to subsidise the benefits of the other immigrants that have been here for years & are on benefits. Perhaps it time that they left & made room for the new ones, who are paying taxes. The main point here is that it’s the system that is at fault not the people coming here. Sort out the system & then there want be any problems because the problems could not arise. But we should all stop using these people as scapegoats for our own failings.
It’s no good making these people scapegoats for the failings in our own system & the failure of the Government & local council to sort out the failings of the system. I notice that it was mostly other immigrants who have been here for years who are complaining the most, double standards or what? As long as they are working legally & paying tax, what’s the problem? They are helping to subsidise the benefits of the other immigrants that have been here for years & are on benefits. Perhaps it time that they left & made room for the new ones, who are paying taxes. The main point here is that it’s the system that is at fault not the people coming here. Sort out the system & then there want be any problems because the problems could not arise. But we should all stop using these people as scapegoats for our own failings.